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Posts posted by Harpi2600

  1. 2 hours ago, kcs123 said:

    Nový sklad KSP autostrut funkce, stejně jako KJR mod je jedna ku blaim. Příspěvky od jednoho stánku zpět .

    Možná by bylo dobré, aby zvýšit otázku o nutnosti sledování chyb taky. Možnost přidat přepínač část modulu config, který umožní autostrut na jiné součásti nebo zákaz autostrut.
    Může být použit ani s IR dílů, ale všechny nové díly, které jsou plánovány v budoucích verzích KSP. Tímto způsobem IR části budou "bezpečné" před nechtěným autostrut zatímco ještě nutný schopnost autostrut na kolech, např.

    My mistake, I apologize. My English is not very good, I overlooked it.

  2. Odd.. that should work just fine.. How many copies of ModuleManager do you have? (The answer should be 1). Try that same code on a different stock part, see if that works? I don't know otherwise, that code has worked perfectly for me in the past.

    I have only one ModuleManager 2.2.0. I also tried IR on POD and then I wanted to take off but there should be no menu so not GRAB.

  3. You can. Copy and paste this:

    name = KASModuleGrab
    evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
    evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
    storable = true
    storedSize = 2
    attachOnPart = True
    attachOnEva = False
    attachOnStatic = False

    Into a new .cfg file. Replace XXXXXXX with the desired part name and start the game. Grab the part, and open the KAS debug menu. Fiddle with the numbers until it looks right. Remember them and save them to the above code.

    Hi I tried this, but back Kerbin nothing appears and then the container is the empty





    name = KASModuleGrab

    evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)

    evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)

    storable = true

    storedSize = 2

    attachOnPart = True

    attachOnEva = False

    attachOnStatic = False



  4. I don't see why not, you could go through and setup a MM config but you would first need to go through and setup proper eva position for parts when a Kerbal is holding them. or just set one position for all parts but it would look a little funky because not all parts are same size etc. Also you could go through and manually add the KASModuleGrab module to all the IR parts or to the ones you wanted.

    The problem is that it can not. I only user. Could not find anybody here that would look at it.

  5. And how do I do that from 4 satellites?

    Simplest way to get total coverage is to launch 3 satellites on one launch vehicle. Put the launch vehicle into an orbit with apoapsis at 2868.75km and a periapsis at 1225.5km. (The orbital period is the important thing here, it should be 4 hours.) Now in each of the next three orbits decouple one of the payload satellites. At apoapsis the satellite burns to circularize it's orbit at 2868.75km. (Again, it's the period that matters most. The orbital period should be 6 hours.) When you've circularized the orbits the satellites will be keosynchronous and evenly spaced at 120° giving you perfect coverage. :cool:

    I hope that was clear and helpful.

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