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Everything posted by komodo

  1. The OM looks ridiculously awesome. @XkaOnslaught, how did you go about making that lander? Are those structural panels?
  2. Whoa, fast turnaround. Thanks very much both for the explanation and fix! Kudos!
  3. Rather severe bug to report: When combined with the SDHI ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362-0-23-5-Sum-Dum-Heavy-Industries-Service-Module-System-(V1-9-5-Apr-2014) ) clampotron/chute combo, it causes said combo to deploy on load. This makes launching rockets somewhat less then ideal. Bug traced to the adaptivedockingnode.cfg file in adaptivedockingnode/, but i'm afraid my modulemanager-fu is not up to deciphering the file. If i'm reading it correctly, it's outright removing the ModuleDockingNode and replacing it with ModuleAdaptiveDockingNode? Why would this cause the part to freak out? The part in question also defines referenceAttachNode = top, although i'm not certain of it's significance. Any ideas?
  4. RaccoonTOF, did you ever discover what was doing it? I'm having the same issue, but haven't been able to nail it down yet. I removed Extraplanetary Launchpads, but to no avail. Further testing will be undertaken... Edit to add that I discovered in my case that it was the (now updated) Adaptive Docking ports mod (which is really cool! LINK. tl;dr, my problem was solved, did the rest of you ever find an answer? Maybe this will help.
  5. Nifty lander. Is that round tank new? And don't worry, don't have to be sorry for life. We all understand!
  6. A sleep deprived thought occurred the other night; Soy-juice service module is not the most exciting name. With the Daikon service module, why not the Edamame module? (Soybean in a pod still.) No problems with the engines here, either.
  7. Just took it on a free-munar return flight with direct reentry into a DRE/FAR atmosphere; no problems noted at all. Entry interface was about 3100 m/s, set at a periapsis of ~33000 m. Took about 110 ablative shielding off. It may be a bit much at 750, but it may just be built to be overbuilt (In the tradition of mix-n-match, the flight was paired up with the tanks from here)
  8. Trying on a lark, the fix for the radial chutes suggested in the other thread by Starwaster, as added to the SDHI part @PART[RC_radial] { MODULE { name = ModuleAeroReentry adjustCollider = -0.015 } } seems to have helped quite a bit. Basically, I don't want to make extra work on Orion if it's not needed TerLoki might be able to try this as well. I just added the module at the front of the modules section in the part.cfg as a quick/dirty test.
  9. We'll bring it over to the part maintainer then. Thank you for your fine mods
  10. As with everything, there are workarounds; gentle reentries may be the 'way to go' (in an RPG sense at least) for this capsule. Whatever happens, we're enjoying the product, and don't worry about it: I mean to say, don't burn out on it. Surprises are always good too (And they're easy to not over promise either ) Edit to say that we'll be glad to beat on DRE and realchutes for you; running DRE is a sign of masochism anyway, soooo if it blows up here an there, par for the course besides
  11. Confirming the symptom of what TerLoki is describing, although I don't know the cause myself. I had assumed it was another interaction causing this effect, but I wonder now what would happen if a mini-girder were placed in there. The bug report reworded is that: If a ship has a built in heat shield, i.e., the Mk1 pod, or some 3rd party modules, that the pod transfers the reentry heat to any stack attached parts, possibly causing them to in turn overheat and explode. Pods with a separate heatshield such as the Mk1-2 do not exhibit this phenomenon, at least not to the point of parts exploding. Caveats may be that there is a bug in Realchutes, as that is the parachute that seems to be the one to blow up often.
  12. Even so, it's a clearly labeled test version. All derping is allowed. I've always been a fan of launch escape towers myself, the more the merrier. The IVA is looking good , I think the space should be ok. Maybe one of the compromises vs the mk1-2 is a more cramped ride, at least for the decent module? I liked the design of the new parachute, the texturing gave it a nice feel, different but still stocklike.
  13. It was a fresh install for the ARM pack. It was as good a time as any to start fresh on saves/addons The large one had a rescaled part2.cfg left over in its directory. Removing the extra config seems to have done the trick. (Maybe double check me on this, @Taki117?)
  14. Small bug to report, simple to fix (on my end); the download has doubled up small inline parachutes, it gives the game/R&D center fits trying to make sense of it. Still no problems otherwise, other than the game crashing, which hasn't anything to do with this pack
  15. This sounds *very* interesting, as a compliment to RT, as well as the base game. "In the blind" transmissions open up all kinds of possibilities. Looking forward to whatever you come up with!
  16. Try Space+F, its the one i've always used. (Don't ask me why this key-combo...)
  17. OK, back with a report. Tanks: Are of the same diameter, just lacking decent engines/decouplers to match. I wish auto shrouds would fit to the piece below them, rather than above. Parachutes! Shame on me, for using a non stock config; I was using the enhanced docking port from SDHI http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362-0-23-Sum-Dum-Heavy-Industries-Service-Module-System-%28V1-8-20-Mar-2014%29 in a bout of mix-and-match. It, for whatever reason acts almost as if it's unshielded. Not your fault, i'm sure, just peculiar. Your chute works very well, so long as you, of course, don't pop the chute too early. (Such as when decoupling! Doh!) As an aside/ bonus mix and match, the landertrons mod work very well with this design. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61294-WIP-XT-Landertron-Smart-Retrorockets-for-Landers-and-Spaceplanes-v0-06a-12-28 Landing retrorockets to soften/replace chutes for over-land landings. 6 of them ringed around the top of the soyjuice brought it neatly to a halt just before impact. It seemed fitting EDIT: With the landertrons was an oddity; whatever was radially mounted had a decent (shielded) temperature throughout the reentry. The stack mounted parachute tended on the high side, with a weird outlier for the above part. I'll play with it some more and see what might be up.
  18. Onionkermin, The parachute is overheating --> exploding, I should have been more clear. The pod is the latest, I think, but is rock solid on reentry in any case. The heat shield ablates perfectly fine, and it survived all the way through the heating for the kerbals to bail out vostok style. (it's kinda fun actually). I plan to try a few different types of parachute to see if it makes a difference. I'll report back in with that and/or a tank report when I get a chance to mess about with them.
  19. Just as a add-in; the modular shuttle engines mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-23-16-Mar-Space-Shuttle-Engines-V1-2-Bugfixes-and-minor-improvements ) includes in the pack a set of 1.875 m tanks. I've not had a chance to combine the two yet, but something in me is rubbing its hands about the idea of combining those tanks with a soyjuice module. On the other bugnote side, I have had interesting results between DRE and Ferram regarding parachutes exploding. (They tend to blow up unless a very precise reentry is made.) One could argue this as a feature, but i'm still testing it/seeing if a drag model file might help. You're right, the documentation on those is... sparse. In any case, enjoying the new ships as always, keep up the good work!
  20. Just to throw in, this looks very cool, i'm always in favor of exotic/insane solutions to problems. (See most KSP launches.) As for the mac, eh; many of us (myself included) bought the game BECAUSE it is offered win/mac/nix, just to point out. If this is directx, it's directx. It's not as if you're withholding anything intentionally. But yes, very cool. Maybe it'll kickstart squad into working around the feet draggers over at unity.
  21. The pack doesn't do anything to alter science, as far as I can tell. It's just that the science giving bodies are... muddled up. Mun is pretty easy to access still, Laythe even moreso, but much harder to return from. Minmus is here, but way down the gravity well. Think Moho. Some strange things pop up due to bad assumptions. Kerbin is tidally locked to Jool, which can wreak havoc on one's logic. It's a fun step up in difficulty, at least at first. Try it with Bop as a moons moon, it's pretty trippy. Getting out of the Jool system is... tricky. Its a long way to Tylo, lets just say. It's a really fun mod, I hope it gets expanded on , but no rush to the author, generous as they are to release it at all. (Can you tell i've played it a whole bunch?? Hah!) Edited to add, this Jool system is also insanely easy to practice gravity assists in. If you thought Duna + Ike were hard to miss in orbit, try out a Laythe. You can get some big assists off it. My first Mun lander managed to make it back to Kerbin with a mere 11dv to spare, and a living pilot (Life support) due to Laythe shaving off almost an entire day from the return.
  22. This is simply incorrect. The active memory reduction mod, and texture replacement packs work perfectly fine. What is a pain on the latter is finder's byzantine folder operations. Merging sub directories is almost impossible except by hand. It's tedious to be sure, but it does work. The active memory mod does make a big difference on its own. Now if it could just work magic on my CPU, hah!..
  23. @Taki, I think the 'clipped' realchute (or other inline) is the best 'quick' solution at this point. Even with DRE, it seems viable. @Onion, sounds a plan, just don't try to defenestrate your computer on the way to moho. Gads that place is a pain to get to
  24. Still testing, incinerating chutes about 50% of the time. If I can get it nailed down, i'll report back.
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