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Everything posted by HoustonDave

  1. Yup. I'm running ATM Basic, but I am unsure whether it ran properly. I did not get an extended blank screen it says I would on first run. EDIT: BTW, You were absolutely correct. I verified that Active Texture Management had not properly run on startup, and determined I botched something on my copy order. I deleted that folder and Texture Replacer, recopied the Active Texture Management, recopied Texture Replacer, and then recopied Renaissance's Texture Replacer files over those, and it now works perfectly. PS I wasn't actually seeking help, but responding to the other poster in hopes he could get useful info from my similar experience. :-)
  2. Had been running .23 and updated to .235 yesterday. Began installing mods piecemeal. No issues until I tried to install Renaissance Pack and Texture Replacer. It began crashing to desktop while trying to load. I'm running 64 bit and watched my RAM use, which passed 4GB with no issues. Deleted the TR files and no problem. Began adding back in one folder at a time. The dll, config files no problem. Suits directory no problem Heads directory no problem PluginData directory no problem EnvMap directory no problem Default directory crashes to desktop. It appears to be the surface map pngs that are doing it. Added in the other graphics (but not the maps) and still getting 90% of Renaissance Pack working with no crashing. Have not added the Squad sub directory back in yet. Will test those out later and start testing individual files of the maps. I know for sure KerbinScaledSpace300.png crashes it.
  3. I'm looking for a modest improvement in KSP performance. I just upgraded from a slug of a computer to the following system: -CPU Intel Core i3-4330 processor -Gigabyte GA-H87-D3H mobo -8 GB Kingston Hyper DDR3 -Ubuntu 12.04 OS / Windows 7 Dual Boot on an SSD Note that I have KSP running on the Linux side, since it has almost no other software loading at boot and is running very lean. The i3 has given me a huge improvement on frame rates at max physics settings and graphics settings, even using the integrated graphics, but I'd like to add an entry-level graphics card (new or used) and see if I can bump performance up a bit more. I'm interested in a sub-$100 card that plays well with Linux and will give me a marginal improvement in KSP. If that's asking too much for that price range, please let me know. Thanks!
  4. I'm still running KSP 0.23 Linux. Can someone confirm which version I should download for compatibility with that build of KSP? Is the latest 1.4.1 backward compatible to 0.23? EDIT: Answered. Thank you kindly, Shaw. Much obliged.
  5. I just upgraded my system from a 7-year-old HP AMD Athlon 2.x GHz Dual Core with 3GB RAM, to the following system: Intel Core i3-4330 Dual Core Processor 3.5GHz Gigabyte H87 LGA 1150 MOBO 8GB RAM Samsung 840 EVO SSD Mobo graphics only, no graphics card. Installed Ubuntu and KSP stock 23.0 on it with no other software or mods. Would you like me to run a benchmark on it? It makes the HP look like a slug. ;-)
  6. When doing your burn, make sure you time it so half is before and half after the node. So if the calculated burn is 50 seconds, start it 25 seconds before the node and finish 25 seconds after the node.
  7. I would not say that OP is a troll, nor that it was a troll post. I submit to you their post on another thread just prior to this one: OP stated in this thread that they had played "over 200 hours" in less than five days. Using remote tech no less. Clearly OP had just come off a multi day binge and beaten the game into submission with their own two hands. They were filled with the sleep-deprived an righteous fire of An True Believer, cleansed by the fireballs of countless unplanned spontaneous disassemblies, belief tempered and honed by the mercilous vacuum of space.
  8. You, sir, are a minor demi-diety for pursuing this. How awesomely groovy.
  9. Can you describe the orientation of the two pieces? Is it an engine with an accent piece on top, or on the side?
  10. New player here, so I'm your target audience, and I'm going to provide a couple of answers to your question instead of getting my back up or snarling. 1) I'm in my 40s with a full time job, wife, and kids. I started playing about 8 weeks ago. 2) Started vanilla career mode, watched Manley, read forums, figured out some basics. 3) Added Kerbal Engineer first week. 4) Added Mechjeb second week. 5) Reason #1 I think MJ was a reasonable move for me as a newbie is, I don't have the time to manually do the things I want to do in-game AND work AND take care of family obligations. With MJ I can spend an hour planning a mission and designing the equipment, launch, set a maneuver node, execute, and go help my kids do their homework. Check back a few minutes later to make sure MJ hasn't had a seizure, set up next maneuver, back to obligations. Repeat a few times. Check back 30 later, spend an hour exploring Duna "FOR SCIENCE" (!). It allows me to play within the time I have available. Otherwise I couldn't play this game at all, frankly. And I really enjoy it. 6) I'm learning what MJ does and why, through its running commentary, and learning how I can do better than it. Many times I let it start a maneuver and, if I have time, take over and do it more efficiently. And I also tend to set up my own maneuvers now, rather than let MJ do it, because I have learned what it is doing and can do so better in some cases. Simply put, there are good reasons for many players to use MJ early in the learning curve, but there are good reasons not to lean on it for everything too. It's just another flight tool at your disposal.
  11. Now that is not something I ever considered. What a brilliant idea. Dummy tanks below the first stage engines for clamping purposes. Just wow.
  12. I see that you grok. Add to the complication that I am using a MacBook with an ergonomic PC Goldtouch keyboard half the time. So for some programs (KSP) the cntrl key on the Goldtouch keyboard is not the cntrl key on the laptop keyboard. Instead, the windows logo key on the Goldtouch keyboard controls the cntrl function on my laptop keyboard. Sometimes throttling down in a panic is about hitting as many keys as possible, including the X, in hopes that you got the right one at some point.
  13. While attempting to figure out how TAC Fuel Balancer worked, my fingers, of their own accord, attempted to use the left-shift key to multi-select tanks. Left-shift, in KSP, does not have that functionality. Instead, multiple nuke and mainsail engines with multiple thrust axes fired at once. The results speak for themselves. All hail quickload.
  14. Considering the number of times I've used that trick when trying to hit a node target and the ship was wobbly, I should have realized that. Now, in addition to being stubborn, I am thrice stupid for not realizing that would have worked in this case. You are an evil, evil human. And I thank you.
  15. Update: Managed to dock that monstrosity with the other section. Need to shuffle the bits for optimal use though. Now.. wonder if I can go find those fuel tanks..
  16. I come to you bearing a tale of woe which was created through my own stupidity, and recovered only through sheer bloody-minded stubbornness. I made a space station. It wasn't my first, but it was the first special-made to leave Kerbin orbit and park in Minmus orbit. My first two attempts used the standard docking ports, and were far too wobbly. This time, I planned it in two major sections. The first, humbly termed the Space Station Delta Core, consists of a tug module, a lab/solar module, and a 4-nuke interplanetary drive module. Each section was launched separately, assembled in LKO, and then the whole thing driven out to Minmus. Result, assembled section orbiting at about 1.4M meters over Minmus. No problem. Well slight problem. Doofus left the RCS on during warp and we're out of mono-propellant. But still, it all works. Section two I got a bit more... optimistic about my abilities. This one consisted of three separately launched subsections. Front-to-back: A tug with a Sr/Standard docking port transition and mono-propellant module, an 8-nuke interplanetary drive module, and a five-Jumbo-64 fuel module. There was a lot of tweaking on the launch vehicles to ensure the nuke drivers wouldn't bake the fuel tanks. Got section two components in LKO. Check. Assembled with a bit of frustration. Check. Test fire. All systems go. Wobble minimum. Here's that baby in transit to Minmus. Get it to Minmus orbit. No problem. Orbiting about 100km above section one. Attempt to match planes. Wayyy too much wobble for accuracy. So I figure, let's just do it in pieces. Decouple the fuel section and the driver/rcs modules from the tug. My intent was to spin the tug around and pull the driver from the long end. Big mistake. But of course, before performing docking maneuvers, I hit F5 to quicksave. Bigger mistake. 1) 8-Nuke Driver Module has a probe core. And it has fuel. And engines. It now has no solar nor batteries. It was using the launch vehicle power at LKO. And the tug power in transit. Oh man. Well no problem except... 2) 8-Nuke Driver Module now has no functional SAS. (See #1) 3) The fuel module has no control either, and it managed, somehow, to bump the drive module and set it to ROTATING LIKE A PINWHEEL. So here I sit, in my nifty little tug. And I just quicksaved, and I'm watching the Wheel of Death rotating a few meters in front of me. The one that contains all that nifty mono-propellant that I ferried out here. And the 8-nuke drive section full of fuel. And my fuel module, with four/five full jumbo-64s, is now slowly flying off in the other direction. After a few minutes crying in my beer, I think to myself, maybe I can manage this. I am an absolute, utter, imbecile that way. What followed was two hours of seizure-inducing, baldness-initiating, coronary-risking repeated attempts to dock with a spinning, asymmetrical module with the long-end swinging around like a battle axe. I won't lie, I turned to MechJeb for some of the maneuvers, because I just couldn't do it alone. I took it in baby steps. Halt velocity relative to the spinning wheel of death. Inch forward just shy of battle axe end. Stop and consider next steps. I died a lot. I F5'd each time I felt like I made progress. I cursed some of those saves. In the end, I managed to finesse a manually-controlled collision that did no damage but slowed the spin. F5 So I did it again. F5 And again. F5 And finally, I managed a minimal relative rotation. MechJeb was of no use here. There was too much movement for him to adapt. It was up to me. I got in there, shoved my way in front of the short-axis docking port, and hit F5. Then followed 30 minutes of hair pulling as I tried to manage fifteen degrees of movement (don't ask) at once. I'm a noob at docking. It wasn't fun. I made about 20-30 attempts. I tried MechJeb again. He would line up properly, then go into a panic attack and hide in the cargo bay. Finally, what did it was a combination of me and MechJeb. I'd hit F9. Turn him on quickly and switch to CHASE camera. He'd get me lined up, then start to go ape-poo and I'd turn him off, turn on SAS, and hit H. Turn MJ back on, get a little closer, go ape-poo, turn MJ off, turn on SAS. Rinse and repeat for those deadly remaining 5 meters with slight rotation. When the screen refreshed on a united section, I wept. I wept man-tears, hugged my wife and children, and went out and got drunk. That fuel module can just go to Moho for all I care.
  17. Xavven, I wanted to thank you again. I was able to create a basic thrust-plate and with only two onion-layers managed to get a probe safely down on Moho. Then I went crazy and added a third layer and SRBs and I'm doing a low-altitude flyby probe of the Sun. Woohoo! Man you really bumped up the enjoyment with that timely advice.
  18. Xavven, that is just incredible. I was not aware of the higher strength of those plate/girder combinations. Thank you.
  19. Thank you. I'll try adding more launch towers. Is there a way to adjust the radial distance of the launch towers? I've tried adding some to connect with the upper stages, but I can't get the bottoms of those to clear the lower stages.
  20. Is this to provide additional "spread" of components so you can have clearer attach points for the struts?
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