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Posts posted by mszegedy

  1. On 4/12/2022 at 8:45 PM, koimeiji said:

    If you're playing Beyond Home on any version after 1.8, you're going to encounter all sorts of bugs. KSP version 1.8 was the last version where Beyond Home was its most stable.

    After that, 1.10 is your second safest bet, but you'll definitely start encountering some bugs; Gateway not having any terrain and some scatters being broken, for example. Might also encounter the weird floating scatters in this version, not sure, but you will encounter them in 1.12.

    Not sure which version lava broke in, unfortunately, or if it's caused by a mod incompatibility. 

    1.8.1, or 1.8.0? And what versions do you recommend for its dependencies? (Aside from Parallax, which I'm 96% sure has to be 1.0.1.)

  2. On 5/20/2021 at 5:08 AM, theleg said:

    Did you find the solution? I am facing the same issue on Ubuntu, i.e., the ground is pink...see my above post for the video.

    No, I "solved" it by switching to Windows. I'm still not sure where the pink comes from. It must be something at the driver level. I don't think I tried it with both Nvidia's driver and Nouveau, just the Nvidia one. But I'm not optimistic.

  3. 11 hours ago, RocketBlam said:

    Just a bit of help for some of you, maybe.

    I just installed this mod with Ckan, with its dependencies, in 1.11.2. At first it didn't work, and I tried a couple of things, to no avail. It was reporting Kopernicus as the problem mod. The game would load, but the stock Kerbal system would load.

    Anyway, at some point I used the "refresh" function in Ckan, and it showed that Kopernicus had an update available. So, either Kopernicus uploaded a new version in the last 15 minutes, or something weird was going on. Anyway, give that a try.

    I think something weird was going on. My CKAN says that the most recent Kopernicus is still revision 38, which came out over a month ago.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Grimmas said:

    @mszegedy I think that particular exception you're seeing is probably related to this file on line 164. There is a naked usage of a dictionary key without making sure that the key actually exists in partWorldToLocalMatrixDict. It would be better to make sure that the key exists first - an example of that is even further above in the code on lines 148-150.


    Yeah, it turns out I didn't fix it after all. The good news is that I have narrowed down the steps to reproduce:

    1. Enter the VAB.
    2. Load a vessel, or create a root part. (This step is unnecessary if the editor has already automatically loaded a vessel.)
    3. Pick up a part from the parts pane.
    4. Drop it somewhere other than on your vessel (so that it turns red and translucent).

    FAR will say in the log that the part has a mesh size of 0, and start spitting out these errors.

    @dkavolis, sorry for the ping, but I believe me and Grimmas have put together a complete bug report here. I think you have all the resources necessary now to fix the problem. Grimmas, since you have a fork of it, do you wanna just patch it yourself and submit it as a pull request? I'm an outsider here and I can't tell what your level of involvement is on the project (for all I know, you're the primary maintainer), but that's what I'd do in your position if I were a random user who actually understood the codebase.

  5. Whenever FAR recalculates voxels in the editor (so, whenever I mouse over a part in the parts pane with any volume, or whenever I add a part to the craft), I get a KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary error, which makes the editor stutter for almost a whole second, every time. This is hard to bear. Unfortunately, I'm a little out of energy to debug stuff, because I've been debugging an unrelated bug in another mod, but in any case, here's a sample log (the error can be found at the very end, repeated a hundred or more times). I can provide more details if needed.

    edit: It only seems to happen if "Allow higher-res subvoxels" is active, thankfully. I've unchecked it and I'm much, much happier now.

  6. On 4/23/2021 at 1:05 PM, WasteL67 said:

    Hello !

    I am not an expert but still trying to help.  I see in the logs that the GPU detected is "Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (CFL GT2) (512MB)".

    Do you have a dedicated GPU in your PC ? If so, you may want to check why it's not detected in the logs. 512Mb is too low to make the mod run fine, which *might* be the problem here.

    **EDIT** : I just saw that you have a dedicated GPU on the previous page, my bad. Still, it's not detected in the KSP logs.

    Oh, thanks, I didn't catch that. I guess between wipes, I must have wiped the custom CKAN boot command that boots it with access to the dedicated GPU. It doesn't change anything when I use the correct command, but it does change the BICH output a bit, insofar as I now meet the VRAM requirement:

    [LOG 15:48:44.099] [BICH] Starting up! - Beyond Home by Gameslinx - ARR
    [LOG 15:48:44.099] [BICH] BICH stands for Beyondhome Installation Checker. If you're reading this, you're evaluating what went wrong or stumbled across it when something else went wrong.
    [LOG 15:48:44.099] [BICH] Thank you for using Beyond Home. Below you can find out what went wrong (or right!)
    [LOG 15:48:44.099] [BICH] GameData directory is /mnt/extra/mszegedy-steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space ProgGameData/
    [LOG 15:48:44.099] 
    [LOG 15:48:44.099] [BICH] Displaying errors, warnings and notices below:
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - RAM meets or exceeds requirement
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - VRAM meets or exceeds the requirement
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - Beyond Home is not even installed...?
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - Kopernicus is not installed
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - MFI is not installed
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - Scatterer is not installed
    [LOG 15:48:44.100] [BICH]   - EVE is not installed
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] 
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] Checking for Kopernicus and KSP version match...
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] 
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] Exception: There were the following errors in the Beyond Home installation:
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] <color=#00F200>Recommended RAM: 5GB  -  Installed RAM: 64
    <color=#00F200>Recommended VRAM: 1GB  -  Installed VRAM: 6
    <color=#FF3F00>ERROR: Beyond Home is not installed!</color>
    <color=#FF3F00>ERROR: Kopernicus is not installed!</color>
    <color=#FF3F00>ERROR: Modular Flight Integrator is not installed!</color>
    NOTICE: Scatterer is not installed!
    NOTICE: Environmental Visual Enhancements is not installed!
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] Detected KSP validation path as /mnt/extra/mszegedy-steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Progreadme.txt
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] Detected Kopernicus validation path as /mnt/extra/mszegedy-steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space ProgGameData/Kopernicus/Plugins/Kopernicus.version
    [LOG 15:48:44.126] [BICH] Shutting down InstallationChecker, its task is done! �Not all those who wander are lost...�


    It's kind of concerning that it thinks Beyond Home isn't installed. Maybe it's something about the order of how the modules/patches are run. I'll try to figure out what that means.

    edit: Apparently it means that it can't find BeyondHome/BeyondHome_LICENSE.txt. But it's right there… I will see how this could possibly happen. I may recompile the installation checker from source, though I'm not used to compiling C# on Linux (or anywhere else), so I may botch it.

    edit 2: Oh, it thinks the game data directory is steamapps/common/Kerbal Space ProgGameData/. What the…? Oh, looking at the source, it specifically removes the last 12 characters of the path it gets, when it should be removing only 8. Weird. I'll try compiling my own BICH that uses the correct path, and see what it outputs. (edit: Ugh, it needs UnityEngine linked into it. Never mind.)

    edit 3: I've tried tweaking BeyondHome/Configs/Rhode.cfg (because Rhode's immediately visible upon loading a save) in a number of ways, such as figuring out how much I could delete before it stops being magenta (answer: it's magenta no matter what I do, unless I do something that makes it so that it can't be loaded in the first place), and seeing if changing the order/priority of the surface textures under Body.PQS.Material does anything (it doesn't). I've also looked through the Parallax source code for clues, but reading is very hard for me these days and I wasn't able to get very far. I haven't been able to get a Unity-linked compiler up and running on my Linux anyway, and it looks like I'd also need to figure out how to link in the Kopernicus code as well (though that shouldn't be hard). I'm giving up for now. Ironically, now I'm out of energy to try to move this install to my Windows partition.

  7. On 4/20/2021 at 11:15 AM, mszegedy said:

    I have recently installed Beyond Home. Unfortunately, Parallax can't load the planet textures, and they are completely magenta (or more accurately bubblegum pink). I tried many version combinations; my latest combination is Parallax 1.0.1 and Beyond Home 1.5.2 installed by hand, and everything else, including Kopernicus release 38, installed through CKAN. This seems to be identical to what CKAN installed, however. Additionally, I can't get Parallax to stop z-fighting scatterer. I'd uninstall scatterer, but CKAN lists its sunflare as a dependency to Beyond Home, so just to be safe, I'm not uninstalling it. My KSP.log is here. The relevant lines seem to be:

      Reveal hidden contents
    [LOG 10:24:44.874] 	Beginning material creation
    [LOG 10:24:44.878] 	 - _SurfaceTexture is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rustedsand00
    [LOG 10:24:44.883] 	 - _DispTex is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/Talon00
    [LOG 10:24:44.887] 	 - _BumpMap is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rustedsand01
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepTex is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/cliff_sediment00
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepPower is 6
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SurfaceTexture is 0.022
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _Parallax is 1.5
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepTex is 0.01
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _Metallic is 0.1
    [LOG 10:24:44.896] 	 - _SurfaceTextureMid is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/dust00
    [LOG 10:24:44.900] 	 - _SurfaceTextureHigh is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rockyground001
    [LOG 10:24:44.905] 	 - _BumpMapMid is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/dust01
    [LOG 10:24:44.911] 	 - _BumpMapHigh is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rockyground01
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _BumpMapSteep is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/cliff_sediment01
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _LowStart is 100
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _LowEnd is 400
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _HighStart is 2500
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _HighEnd is 3260
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _PlanetRadius is 500000
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _MetallicTint is 1,1,1
    [LOG 10:24:44.924] 	 - _InfluenceMap is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/Talon01
    [LOG 10:24:44.924] 	 - _TessellationRange is 99
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _FogTexture is 
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _FogRange is 0
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _UseReflections is false
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] [Parallax] - Created material successfully
    [LOG 10:24:44.930]  - Applied config nodes
    [LOG 10:24:44.931] [Parallax]Parallax took 1.735199 milliseconds [0.001735199 seconds] to load from start to finish.
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: irrelevant TextureReplacer lines about the skybox removed]
    [LOG 10:24:45.261] [Kopernicus] ShaderLoader: GetShader Kopernicus/Rings
    [WRN 10:24:45.278] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Fury'
    [LOG 10:24:45.280] [OD] ERROR: getting pixelFloatD with unloaded map BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds of path BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds, autoload = True
    [LOG 10:24:45.319] [OD] ---> Map BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds enabling self. Path = BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: this set of errors and warnings is repeated for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:46.910] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Normal.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:46.983] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading BeyondHome/PluginData/Ash_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Ash_Normal.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:47.404] [Kopernicus]: Post-Spawn
    [LOG 10:24:47.406] Found max distance 1130034971650.78
    [LOG 10:24:47.437] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying BeyondHome/PluginData/Verna_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Verna_Normal.dds
    [LOG 10:24:47.437] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Verna
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]


    An example of my problem is here:

      Reveal hidden contents


    edit: I have tested this with both PlanetShine and scatterer uninstalled (both individually and together). It doesn't fix anything, except that uninstalling scatterer stops the z-fighting artifacts (duh). Meanwhile, I've also noticed that only Kerbol has a sunflare with scatterer; Destiny and Fate don't have so much as a shine. I assume this could be fixed just by installing the correct scatterer config. I don't think I noticed a link to one, though.

    (I am still having this problem. I am sorry for spamming but I don't have much else to do with my life anymore and I want to be able to get at least partways through this mod before I die. If this is breaking etiquette, I won't do it again, I'm just scared of it going unanswered for an indefinite amount of time. Though, presumably Gameslinx will eventually release the version of it that relies on the newer versions of Parallax, and that'll solve my issue as a side effect. But that might be many months away still, for all I know. Sorry again.)

    edit: Also, I have re-tested this on both 10.1 and 11.2 with nothing but Beyond Home and its dependencies installed. (I wasn't sure whether scatterer should count as a dependency, since this page doesn't list it as a dependency but CKAN does, so I tried it both with and without.) It didn't change the result at all. I made sure that the versions were correct beforehand: BH 1.5.2, Parallax 1.0.1, Kop 38. (The scatterer and ModuleManager were just whatever CKAN installed.) Here is a log from 1.10.1 with nothing but BH and its dependencies, not including scatterer.

    edit 2: Though somehow it fixed the issue I was having with the sunflares not appearing. Uninstalling scatterer completely may have done it.

  8. Quote

    what GPU do you use? that might be a contributing factor but I dont know

    here's the output of neofetch:

                       -`                    mszegedy@mszLaptop 
                      .o+`                   ------------------ 
                     `ooo/                   OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
                    `+oooo:                  Host: AERO 15WV8 
                   `+oooooo:                 Kernel: 5.11.13-arch1-1 
                   -+oooooo+:                Uptime: 18 hours, 22 mins 
                 `/:-:++oooo+:               Packages: 1965 (pacman) 
                `/++++/+++++++:              Shell: zsh 5.8 
               `/++++++++++++++:             Resolution: 1920x1080 
              `/+++ooooooooooooo/`           WM: i3 
             ./ooosssso++osssssso+`          Theme: Arc [GTK3] 
            .oossssso-````/ossssss+`         Icons: Numix [GTK3] 
           -osssssso.      :ssssssso.        Terminal: guake 
          :osssssss/        osssso+++.       CPU: Intel i7-8750H (12) @ 4.100GHz 
         /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-       GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 630 
       `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-     GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile 
      `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:    Memory: 24996MiB / 64171MiB 
     `++:.                           `-/+/
     .`                                 `/                           


    the command i use to run ksp is prime-run ./KSP.x86_64. the demo utilities glxinfo, glxgears, and vkcube run fine with prime-run, so i don't think it's on the level of my gpu or my drivers.

  9. I have recently installed Beyond Home. Unfortunately, Parallax can't load the planet textures, and they are completely magenta (or more accurately bubblegum pink). I tried many version combinations; my latest combination is Parallax 1.0.1 and Beyond Home 1.5.2 installed by hand, and everything else, including Kopernicus release 38, installed through CKAN. This seems to be identical to what CKAN installed, however. Additionally, I can't get Parallax to stop z-fighting scatterer. I'd uninstall scatterer, but CKAN lists its sunflare as a dependency to Beyond Home, so just to be safe, I'm not uninstalling it. My KSP.log is here. The relevant lines seem to be:

    [LOG 10:24:44.874] 	Beginning material creation
    [LOG 10:24:44.878] 	 - _SurfaceTexture is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rustedsand00
    [LOG 10:24:44.883] 	 - _DispTex is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/Talon00
    [LOG 10:24:44.887] 	 - _BumpMap is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rustedsand01
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepTex is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/cliff_sediment00
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepPower is 6
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SurfaceTexture is 0.022
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _Parallax is 1.5
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _SteepTex is 0.01
    [LOG 10:24:44.891] 	 - _Metallic is 0.1
    [LOG 10:24:44.896] 	 - _SurfaceTextureMid is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/dust00
    [LOG 10:24:44.900] 	 - _SurfaceTextureHigh is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rockyground001
    [LOG 10:24:44.905] 	 - _BumpMapMid is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/dust01
    [LOG 10:24:44.911] 	 - _BumpMapHigh is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/rockyground01
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _BumpMapSteep is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/cliff_sediment01
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _LowStart is 100
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _LowEnd is 400
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _HighStart is 2500
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _HighEnd is 3260
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _PlanetRadius is 500000
    [LOG 10:24:44.917] 	 - _MetallicTint is 1,1,1
    [LOG 10:24:44.924] 	 - _InfluenceMap is BeyondHome/Terrain/DDS/Talon01
    [LOG 10:24:44.924] 	 - _TessellationRange is 99
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _FogTexture is 
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _FogRange is 0
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] 	 - _UseReflections is false
    [LOG 10:24:44.930] [Parallax] - Created material successfully
    [LOG 10:24:44.930]  - Applied config nodes
    [LOG 10:24:44.931] [Parallax]Parallax took 1.735199 milliseconds [0.001735199 seconds] to load from start to finish.
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: irrelevant TextureReplacer lines about the skybox removed]
    [LOG 10:24:45.261] [Kopernicus] ShaderLoader: GetShader Kopernicus/Rings
    [WRN 10:24:45.278] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Fury'
    [LOG 10:24:45.280] [OD] ERROR: getting pixelFloatD with unloaded map BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds of path BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds, autoload = True
    [LOG 10:24:45.319] [OD] ---> Map BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds enabling self. Path = BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Height.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: this set of errors and warnings is repeated for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:46.910] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Fury_Normal.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:46.983] [OD] --> ScaledSpaceDemand.LoadTextures loading BeyondHome/PluginData/Ash_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Ash_Normal.dds
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]
    [LOG 10:24:47.404] [Kopernicus]: Post-Spawn
    [LOG 10:24:47.406] Found max distance 1130034971650.78
    [LOG 10:24:47.437] [OD] <--- ScaledSpaceDemand.UnloadTextures destroying BeyondHome/PluginData/Verna_Color.dds and BeyondHome/PluginData/Verna_Normal.dds
    [LOG 10:24:47.437] [OD] <--- OnDemandStorage.DisableBodyCBMaps destroying Verna
    [EDITOR'S NOTE: repeat this for every body; text truncated]


    An example of my problem is here:



    edit: I have tested this with both PlanetShine and scatterer uninstalled (both individually and together). It doesn't fix anything, except that uninstalling scatterer stops the z-fighting artifacts (duh). Meanwhile, I've also noticed that only Kerbol has a sunflare with scatterer; Destiny and Fate don't have so much as a shine. I assume this could be fixed just by installing the correct scatterer config. I don't think I noticed a link to one, though.

  10. Thank you for your work on decoding the format. My genetic algorithm will be much easier to write now. One noteâ€â€I still can't figure out what sidx does. You said it's the symmetry index, and it makes sense, except for the fact that it seems to be assigned nearly at random. When I created a craft, the root part had sidx=-1, as well as the parts under it. The parts radially attached to it, in symmetry, have sidx=0. Then the parts radially attached to those have sidx=-1. If you radially attach a part to those, then sidx=0. If you radially attach a part to those, but without symmetry, then they'll have sidx=-1. If you radially attach parts to that with symmetry, then they'll have sidx=1. What? How does this work?

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