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Posts posted by spinomonkey

  1. Strategies seem to have such a low return that I'd rather not screw with them. I do like the 'bailout' option. That was a nice touch. But the strategies in general should be a bit more creative and powerful. I shouldn't feel like I'm being screwed when I use one.

  2. I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that 1.0 is 'scope complete'. Meaning all the major features are in the game- even if the game itself isn't 100%. Now, I agree that Squad handled the release of 1.0 poorly in this regard and should have focused heavily on the concept of 'scope complete' rather than suggesting it was a complete game. Obviously it's not. IMHO, if squad would simply come forward with a statement explaining how things will be progressing from here on out, a lot of the community would back off.

  3. I agree with the OP. Even in a normal mode the R&D for instance just jumps into over a million after level 2. That being said- it's pretty much the only level 3 building that gives me much of a reason to upgrade that far. I can still build most craft in under the 250 part count in the VAB- leveling it and other buildings past level 2 is more of a 'meh, I have the cash, why not?'

  4. The night was inky black and the smell of liquid fuel was fresh in the air...

    Ok, so I had a mobile lab orbiting Kerbin with two Kerbalnauts that needed to be rescued. So I mounted a rescue mission with a 3 person command pod- plenty of room to save the day, right? Well, upon reaching the mobile lab I look over and what do I see- Jeb and Bob sitting in the rescue command pod. This presents a bit of a problem, as I suddenly realized I won't have enough room for everyone in the rescue pod. Luckily, I built the rescue craft with a Klaw. So I reached out and snatched the mobile lab and engaged a retroburn into the atmosphere. If I couldn't rescue everyone aboard the rescue vessel- then EVERYONE was going down together. Through some serious stroke of luck, this oddly shaped craft fought off the forces of re-entry and parachuted to safety in Kerbin's waters.

    Pretty much the definition of a Kerbal experience and quick thinking.

  5. Why? It just makes it a pain for both those who want to exploit the mechanic and those who use timewarp legitimately.

    While at the same time you'd be upsetting the push for more 'realistic' gameplay among players. No, I don't think there's ever going to be a perfect answer for everyone. But there must be a middle ground we can all come together on?

  6. I think a few of you have essentially nailed the problem. I recall the Devs saying that contracts would be optional in your path to unlocking the tech tree/exploring. But now you pretty much need the contracts to ensure you're still bringing in enough funds to explore. I don't think the system is entirely broken, but needs to be tweaked. Taking most of the science out of contracts is a step in the right direction, but it's not enough by itself. Perhaps with a better Admin Building with a better support structure for repeat funding or long term contracts the system wouldn't seem as grindy.

  7. Is it open to contribution? Because I'm sure there's plenty within the community that would love to add aspects to the Wiki. Me being one of them.

    EDIT: Ah, I see.

  8. Game Type: Normal, Career. Over 800 hours of experience.

    Issue: Gaining science is pretty hard- which makes upgrading the Tech tree additionally difficult. I really enjoy that contracts don't offer a lot of science, instead encouraging players to go out and explore. But in the early game it's pretty hard to explore- even Kerbin. Which leaves players with grindy contracts they have to mine for resources in the meantime.

    How I've played (for perspective): It might just be me. I've cleared almost tier three of the tech tree, and I've focused as much as I can on space planes so I can take on contracts that require multiple crew reports or temp reports (there's a decent science/cash payout there) But I still don't have a fast enough ship to top 16,800 meters without stalling and falling back to Kerbin- which has limited my ability to take contracts. On the other hand, due to the atmosphere pushing my rockets around- it's made launching with large liquid fuel rockets pretty difficult to control. Which forces me to use solid states as a first stage- which often burn up my smaller/lighter craft. It's been a bit of a vicious cycle. Needless to say, I'm grinding away at contracts or collecting science where I can- I just upgraded my R&D department, so I can finally take surface samples- that's a gold mine for science. But targeted sub orbital landings (or a proper space plane for targeted biome landings) are pretty much out of the question at the moment. Which means more launches > which means I need more cash > which means I need to grind away at more contracts.

    Solution: Though I think the contract payouts should be tweaked slightly. As this seems a bit difficult for a 'normal' game. I wonder if a better science archive could solve this problem. Part of the problem is knowing where to gain science from. As you collect science instruments over time, it's hard to keep track of what biomes you've done what science to- or where those biomes are at all. What would be cool- would be to have a science tool that works much like the mining tools. You'd scan the area you're flying over- it would collect info that would be displayed on the map and you'd have a very quick visual reference of where the biomes were, and what you have and haven't collected in regards to science.

    It wouldn't hand you the science per se. But it would give players the tools needed to do it themselves.

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