Had this idea about biome's and re-playability. I realize I've read on here a few times about dev's not being big on random events, though I think this would be kinda different. Would be kind of cool if aside from collecting surface samples there were randomly generated (and perhaps very few) "superior samples". Something that could only be discovered by coming within range of this rare thing (like a rock). This way, it would encourage exploration on a planet or moon. I figure a superior samples could offer some kind of science reward too, depending on how rare it is could increase the science %. I'm a big fan of exploring, and I'd hate to see the game turned into a quest to reach all the planets as quickly as possible just to gain science, when a player could also be rewarded for taking their time and exploring a single location. I like to think of it in the same way Assassins Creed offers you chests of gold. It might just be a small reward, but if you put forward the time and effort it can turn into a real reward in the long run.