Thanks a lot, this mod works and it is AWESOME! Installation went just like a very default mod, just put in folder and ready to go. I have quite some mods (many of the popular ones), my GameData folder is 2,4 GB. Starting up the game (quarter res textures, full screen) gave me already 2070 MB of RAM usage for KSP. In game, I could build quite some large ships and dock in space, however, there was not much RAM left. After some lengthy building and docking several ships together often made KSP reach the max RAM limit (it's around 3,7 GB for me) and crashed. Now, this mod did not only give no issues at all, but solved the whole RAM problem completely! I used the aggressive one. My RAM usage in the main menu went back to 1010 MB (that's 1 GB less!), and I'm currently docking my 6th quite large ship in space, with an other space station orbitting just 20km next to me, all kinds of mods used... You get it, lots of usage (at this point I would have already crashed), however, my RAM usage is at the moment 2,8 GB! With this mod, I do not have to remove any parts (I was planning to remove some IVA of stock parts, I heard you can skimp the stock Squad folder down to save around 400 MB of RAM usage), and I can enjoy the game, even with a lot of mods! You, sir, just saved my day. I hope you continue making awesome mods and good luck!