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Everything posted by i0nicx

  1. Thanks guys you rock, I would of quoted but I'm on my phone.
  2. I think where my problem is that I think I need a remote command to relay the signal when all I need is a remote control to relay the signal? Which if that's right, I feel quite silly and apologize.
  3. Ah my bad, I thought it having '1' meant it needed one crew member. Thanks for the clarification!
  4. Is it possible to get a version with the new improvements but no crew requirement?
  5. I have no idea since my perfectly geostationary(kerbo/kerbi/kerb/keo-stationary) satellite isn't 2868.4/2868.4. I'll just keep messing around and read some more. Thank you =). I use mechjeb, but it doesn't handle altitude to a decimal place(2868.4km for example just shows 2868Mm).
  6. Satellites communicate with satellites and antennas communicate with antennas. As for not cluttering your tracking station, the antennas have a reach of 5000km, so you can basically setup 2-4 sats every 500km to keep your range good and not have too many sats.. Here's what I have: http://i.imgur.com/tQxGm.png it's currently a work in progress. EDIT: satellites=dishes
  7. I figure I'd piggy back this thread instead of starting a new one. I'm having trouble getting my satellites into geostationary orbit. I currently have 2 in geostationary that are slightly outside the 2868.4km/1008.9m/s reference for doing so. I have 1 sat at ap-2871km/pe-2868km @ 1008.5-1009.4m/s. My second sat is ap-2869km/pe-2868km @ 1008.9-1009.2m/s. Both of these are rock solid and stay exactly where they are supposed to be. I've been trying to get 4 other sats to be geostationary using the 2868.4km ap/pe reference numbers to no avail. Are there any mods with more detailed ap/pe information(decimal places/larger number range)?
  8. Win 7, i7 2600k(4GHz), 8GB DDR3, 2x Radeon 6970
  9. Thanks for the hard work sir. KSP now loads in half the time w00t! Here\'s my landing from last night(don\'t mind the RCS/Fuel textures):
  10. I use just ASAS and not SAS. I made a second set of parts from the original ones in the pack and removed the SAS properties. I slapped a single ASAS on the rocket and I was good to go. I feel like I\'m probably one of the few people that like ASAS and not SAS and use it exclusively. And to be a pain in the butt, could you change the textures on the Orion CSM Fuel/RCS Tank? They look exactly the same. I just threw some different colored lines for my use, dunno if anyone else gets them mixed up. Last but not least, I friggin\' love this pack!
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