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Obi Afine Grl

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    Curious George
  1. I posted this elsewhere, but I think this is actually the right place: Hiya all, new forum user here. I'm having a few problems in the MCE mod. I was able to get it to run no problem, installed it and the newest version of toolbar, but I can't figure out a few things: First, some of the buttons on the toolbar don't seem to work - the budget button and the MCE settings buttons don't do anything for me, but the mission and MCE research buttons work so I can run the missions no problem. The second thing is a bigger problem - I can't get my mission completion to save! Every time I re-open the game, it thinks I haven't completed any of the missions! I've tried with 2 separate mission packs, "stock" and "NT Space Program," but every time, same problem! Oddly, it DOES remember the MCE research items that I've unlocked (recycling, construction I + II, etc...), so I have no idea what to do Please help! For now I'm going to try to use the quicksave to get around this, but I doubt that's going to be a permanent solution
  2. Could it be that you're just talking about the spaceport? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/
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