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Everything posted by Iforgotthis

  1. That's probably a very good idea; conversations like this never go well. I agree that china and NASA should collaborate. Space isn't one nation's or another, it is a place were countries don't exist an I think our efforts in its exploration should reflect this.
  2. Definitely not! I am at the same level of YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! as you Sometimes I worry about myself... Ah well, it's worth it for this!
  3. That would be good; my computer can only *just* run this, and let's just say minmus sends it into a tantrum...
  4. I joined in 0.19.1, but only 5 days before 0.20 was released Even from then the game has improved so much, it must be unrecognisable to those who've played it from 0.7.3! I might download the demo again, have a spin on that.
  5. I don't really care; it's a game. Why does it have to be entirely unrelated to the real world or exactly the same? It's much more interesting to throw in some variety, mix things up, make people uncomfortable for a bit. I am interested in things such as chemical composition of atmospheres, ocean, and soil. I suppose that could cause problems, but then it wouldn't be impossible to just create a few fictional elements that fit the bill.
  6. Could you post a closer screenshot of the Mun? Curious to know what it looks like close up and personal.
  7. Really looking forward to see where this is going! In V. 0.2 is it the 11 shown, or are there more? You have mentioned more later in the thread, I don't know if they're an upcoming version or the current. Either way, looks great!
  8. They're all such good options! They would have to make a series...
  9. That is so amazing! Don't suppose you could provide a download could you? Really think this is something spectacular, but I have no idea how to do this stuff. On a slightly unrelated note, do you think the surface of Eve is a bit... overwhelming? It's just such a bright colour. Is there a way to tone it back a little?
  10. I must apologise, I completely misunderstood the original statement you made. The only possible way eve could be so dark is... I don't know, a unique element that's undiscovered? Why must clouds all be the same colour anyway? Why not have a subtle mixture of lighter clouds at high altitude and darker ones at the lower altitudes? Then it stands up in theory (reflecting lots of light, radiation etc) and also looks nice Lots of light would get reflected by the upper clouds leaving small amounts of light lower down. - - - Updated - - - What does Kerbin's aurora look like from the surface (regarding that screenshot)?
  11. Actually the atmosphere will be purple for the same reason Earth's is blue; the way the light interacts with particles in the atmosphere. The atmosphere will appear green at sunset because the light is entering at a different angle, hence the colour change. Also I like the dark purple look of the clouds. I think they look really stormy and ominous. Venus is stormy, it's just a completely different colour to Eve.
  12. Perhaps a better title would be OCPD (Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder) vs. KSP? It's not exactly perfect, but it's closer than OCD.
  13. I don't know what to think of biomes. They make for a good map, but I think they can be very tedious. As well as that, I think they allow you to get through the tech tree kind of quickly. You hear stories of people who get through the entire tree without leaving Kerbin's SoI. Everything in career mode should push you towards exploration further from home. So here's hoping biomes on other planets can do this
  14. I haven't so far dared to install FAR or deadly reentry. I think my unconventional flying skills would result in lots of MIA Kerbals if I did...
  15. D: ah! Sounds like a job for Jeb. Unless he's the one in the ocean...
  16. I agree with DasBananenbrot that looks a lot better! This whole pack is so amazing and I'm really looking forward to V5
  17. This is a really great mod, I love it. The only thing is Jool. It looks too ordered, too clean cut. I think a bit of 'blurring' between the gas bands would make it look a lot more realistic instead of the solid looking blocks. Also as beautiful as those rings are, they look very consuming... Will they have much of an effect of computer speeds? If they do, will we be able to remove them without affecting the other great features in this mod?
  18. I have to do missions in logical progression. Before going to the Mun I must have launched several satellites, some to the Mun. I must go to the Mun first, the Minmus, and only then interplanetary. This makes starting a new game sometimes tedious, but fun none the less. I just don't get very far...
  19. Oops... Apologies, I should have looked at the different forums first!
  20. 0/10 I don't travel the forums very much D:
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