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Everything posted by Iforgotthis

  1. Well, in all honesty they didn't really come to mind... I might add them, but then I'd have to see where India's going with its space program. Perhaps it's just simpler with three, but I like the idea of more countries. I'll keep them to mind. EDIT: Actually, looking into it, it appears neither Japan nor India have had a manned spaceflight that wasn't to the ISS. Just a fun fact. - - - Updated - - - This is such a good idea. And hard. It sounds like hell, but really fun too. Good luck!
  2. A couple days ago I managed to capture my first asteroid, which I named 004278/01 ST TC (Not the catchiest of names, I know). It was... well, what you'd expect. Frustrating, thrilling and then quite time-wasting. Don't get me wrong, it's exciting, but there doesn't seem to be much purpose to them except getting science. Then again, in sandbox mode there isn't really any purpose other than to just do things. Anyway, another asteroid was flying through Kerbin's SOI, and I decided to take this opportunity to explore the solar system. I made a lander called Zhan II (I have different vessel names for the three big countries: America, China, and Russia. They each have different satellite names, rover names, lander names etc.) and sent it out. It went well, I kinda love how it looks when connected to the asteroid. The second asteroid is named 004289/02 TT TC. For Zhan II, it'll be home away from home as it zooms around the solar system. Here's a couple pictures if anyone's interested. So I was wondering: How far away is your furthest tracked asteroid? I'd love to hear your asteroid stories
  3. Hi! I read on the KSP Wiki that one of the planned features is a second gas giant, of which Eeloo would be one of the moons. Is there any news on whether this has ever been/ will ever be intended? I know they are working a lot on career mode recently, but I really like the idea of extra planets.
  4. How right you are... I'm sorry for that mistake, I was reading from here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Rockomax_%22Mainsail%22_Liquid_Engine Which gives the fuel consumption in l/s. It's only now that I've checked the game that I see you are right, and no unit is provided. So how are you supposed to work out specific impulse now? And more importantly, where did the ksp wiki get the number 109.11 l/s for fuel consumption from?
  5. Hello! I have been reading about specific impulse and delta v and all that recently; it's captivated me. I want to work out the specific impulse of the mainsail engine, BUT I want to do it through the power of mathematics! I know what it should be, because the game says (280s ASL), and I know the equation, I just don't know how to apply the numbers to the equation. Could someone help? Okay, so for the equation I need the thrust in newtons (which is 1500 kN) and the fuel consumption in kg/s. That's where a problem arises, because the fuel consumption is given in l/s, not kg/s. How do I convert between the two? Is it possible without knowing the density of the fuel? Am I just being an idiot? I really want to get my head around this, I don't know why I just enjoy working these things out, even if they have already given me the answer!
  6. Any update on EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements compatibility yet? Really want to get this back in my game - I miss that big blue ball of gas!
  7. The real question is... when isn't it? o.O
  8. You should film the launches, I'd love to watch this.
  9. Okay, I finally decided that unused satellites will be shifted to a graveyard orbit of ~500,000m around Kerbin. Why you ask? Because I like the phrase graveyard orbit. Thanks for all of your ideas, I'll definitely keep them in mind if the situation changes!
  10. Whilst a lot of people have been throwing asteroids around the kerbol system, I decided now would be an excellent time to try my first landing on Duna. I don't think I'm ready for asteroid capturing... yet. It went... well, for once. Here is the rover I sent: http://imgur.com/IR4Wgvq It came with a small parts pack by this guy (I modified the rover a little though), and I reasoned it would be a good idea to set it down somewhere (I love it): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64336-0-23-Panda-Jager-Laboratories-Parts-Pack There is one small problem however. The place I landed at was on a steep slope, and the rover won't stop rolling down to lower grounds. Now that wouldn't be a problem... if it weren't for the dust storms. http://imgur.com/AvPXt6H I'm sure it'll be fine... (The dust storms came from a modified version of rbray89's city lights and clouds mod. Here's a link to the whole thread, but the dust storms come up at page 198 in case anyone was interested: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-1-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW!-VolumetricClouds!)
  11. I hate Minmus. Nothing ever goes right with Minmus. I've lost three men, a rover, and several unmanned landers. I had to walk across 2.5km of Minmus when my Kerbin wouldn't stop sliding away from his lander. Now I admit that might have been my fault, but it all reflects badly on Minmus. It's just a cold, miserable lump of ice floating around Kerbin. I think it's jealous.
  12. haha, that's always an option... pelting that miserable ball of ice with space junk sure does sound fun...
  13. Yeah, I thought about FAR, but it wasn't something I felt would add much to the game. Here's hoping that someone makes an orbital decay mod though...
  14. Xaiier: I kinda like the idea of a graveyard orbit... but it is probable they will remain in orbit as some kind of thing. Probably space junk. Kasuha: It would be interesting if there was a mod that replicated this effect, or one that made the atmosphere more realistic. Teza: I'll have to look into that mod, sounds really cool!
  15. After three years in service, I've decided that my Ulysses satellite range is to be discontinued, and replaced by newer, more advanced Observer satellites. The big question for me is, what do I do with the old Ulysses satellites? They were only for the Kerbin system, so they are spread across Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus. I have three equally possible options available to me, and they are as follows: 1.) Leave them in orbit as satellites, they have some kind of sentimental value. 2.) Re-brand them as space junk, because that's all they are now, space junk. 3.) Deorbit all of them, they have ion engines capable of doing so. I'm really stuck as to what to do. There are five of them by the way, and there will probably be about 5-7 Observer satellites to replace them, but that is undecided as of yet. What do they do in real life? What do you think I should do? Thanks for your time
  16. Technically china hasn't finished its space station, not the one mentioned in the film. This means the film could be set in the near future, where the space shuttle has been brought back into action. Just an idea.
  17. Mine was similar to yours. Ludsby Kerman was thoroughly enjoying his EVA on the surface of Minmus, when he ran out of EVA fuel. This meant he fell ~100 meters to the ground (which he was lucky to survive) and then skidded for ~2.5 km, and had to walk the whole way back. The whole way. I considered bringing the ship to him, but I'm shaky with conventional landings as it is, so I didn't want to run the risk.
  18. I know many have said it, but definitely *Warp Drive* most likely powered by negative energy, once we find it... I'd go to Gliese 667Cc first, or maybe Gliese 581g (if it exists...).
  19. Lets say thousands of years in the future, Mars has been completely terraformed, but to do so we have placed bacteria from Earth (genetically modified or other) on the surface. This bacteria then goes on to evolve until it reaches small fish/land animal size. Would this be considered alien life, or terrestrial life? Although it developed on Mars, its origins are Earth.
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