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Everything posted by tedingus

  1. I was wondering if the Contract Window was supposed to be behind the parts picker layer in the VAB. I don't remember that in the past.
  2. Not a problem Padishar. Keep up the good work on this great mod.
  3. Has any one else had issues with KER and KIS? Could any one else recreate this issue? This is in KSP 1.2. When only having KER and KIS 1.3.0 I am experiencing closing inventory windows when I mouse out of the KER window in the VAB. To recreate this have stock KSP and install the KER and KIS mods. Start a new game save and open the VAB. Pick any KIS storage module, in this case I picked the Mk2 command module. If it is not open, then open the KER window showing the staging DV. Right click on the command module and open seat 0 inventory. Move your mouse into the KER window and then move it back out and it closes the KIS inventory window.
  4. @cybutek, I am of the opinion that you should take your time and put out the great plugin quality that we all enjoy and use. I just overbuild my rockets until a good KER comes out.
  5. Thank you @Youen for updating this must have mod.
  6. @Andrew_C Roverdude is retexturing the parts. He started streaming it yesterday on Twitch.tv
  7. Thank you @Ethernet your mod makes stations actually needed for something and gives more depth to this wonderful game. @SpeedyB cannot wait for your new models. The preliminary screen shots look like a big step up.
  8. @Jagzeplin and @simalto Just go to the GitHub and click on the release links. It shows 46 and the latest is 5.3 released about 12 hours ago. The devs probably have not had a chance to update the forum.
  9. @SkyKaptn If you look at the GitHub source it was updated about 4 hours ago so they are working on it just have to be patient.
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