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Everything posted by barlow.a

  1. Requesting a Closing of the thread - Thought it was alright to ask - not testing the powers on this one
  2. I am having trouble figuring out how to install this beast. I think the total package is this? https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement Sorry if it is spelled out somewhere but I am not finding it. When I copy over and merge the folders, I just get a game boot/crash. This is NOT the freeze I expect. It is a complete game crash. Also - What is this "aggressive vs normal" I can select between? Thank you for the help!
  3. Just as it says. I got the major pack from here: https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement . Is this right? and if so, dragging and merging things didn't work - I just get a crash, and I don't understand the tiny bit of instructions within. Thanks!
  4. What are the coolest moons without an atmosphere? I'm reading on Vall?
  5. B9 is hard to find, kinda. Here is the most recent. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/132/B9%20Aerospace%20Pack Thank you for the clarification. I am by no means a mod genius, just saying what worked for me. Yeah forgot to mention the deleting Kerbal Folder.
  6. Hmm link not working. sec... There? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-4-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs! If it does not work, search Active Texture Management...It is the first item and is located in Kerbal Forums. Of course, you are cool to not install this unless your game is crashing. If it isn't, might not be worth the 2min load. But at the same time, I'm pretty sure this has cleared up a ton of framerate issues for me too.
  7. "I got it working fine, but only in 32 bit. Just figured out all I needed to do to deal with the lower ram cap but its smooth as a baby's butter...? I installed B9, including all its included mods (firespitter, etc.) and only used B9's included mods as the originals when another mod wanted the same addition, such as how may moving parts mods uses firespitter, too. I have other mods installed, from all the nearfuture mods to smokescreen to novapunch2, but the most important is the ActiveTextrueManagement mod that lowers ram usage secondarily. Pretty sure this is the one - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...eduction-packs! Now the catch, your load goes from 25sec to a couple minutes, but at least the game isn't crashing anymore. When you first load the KSP load screen for the game, it stops for about 30-45sec and gives a not responding signal. Just let it go through, it will respond and finish. There ya go! Let me know, man." I had this posted in another thread. Also, use the firespitter mod folder that comes with B9. Don't use others, and if others come with one, don't install theirs. Its all the same. Firespitter is needed to make movable things mobile/actuatable. The texture modifier above is good because you will run in 32 so the game wont crash because of memory. I found it necessary for B9, I think you might, too. This will allow you to set action groups, right click in building/open, right click in flight/open,e tc. It also works for spaceplane plus, etc.
  8. Hell, if you could already do this, let me know. I have searched all over and just assumed its not possible as of now.
  9. I think you should be able to setup an action group under "stage" that a selected stage activates. For example: 1) stage 1, launch activates all engines on a shuttle and solid boosters 2) detaches boosters 3) detaches fuel tank also deactivates directional thrusters (these are active to reset the offset balance from the fuel tank but need to be turned off after detachment but cannot be ejected) Here is my shuttle...It works, and yes I can press a key with the above described action group, but staging would be amazing. The three concerned boosters are the awkward, rear facing jet and the inside, two small boosters near the fuel tank. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2sovqrziypdmnm0/screenshot4.png?dl=0
  10. Hey man, agreed. I have 16gb memory that needs to be used. But you have to remember, x64 is not only for mods. It was just released and requires tweaking for even the program itself to utilize it properly. Can't run a high grade fuel in a car without properly addressing engine issues first. They will bite this thing asap, so for now, 64 is for KSP testing and not mod testing. What we help them solve concerning its running now benefits us mod-wise later.
  11. I got it working fine, but only in 32 bit. Just figured out all I needed to do to deal with the lower ram cap but its smooth as a baby's butter...? I installed B9, including all its included mods (firespitter, etc.) and only used B9's included mods as the originals when another mod wanted the same addition, such as how may moving parts mods uses firespitter, too. I have other mods installed, from all the nearfuture mods to smokescreen to novapunch2, but the most important is the ActiveTextrueManagement mod that lowers ram usage secondarily. Pretty sure this is the one - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-4-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs! Now the catch, your load goes from 25sec to a couple minutes, but at least the game isn't crashing anymore. When you first load the KSP load screen for the game, it stops for about 30-45sec and gives a not responding signal. Just let it go through, it will respond and finish. There ya go! Let me know, man.
  12. I didn't see this before because I must have installed it just prior. The reinstall and installation of a texture modifier helped. Thanks guys! BTW 32 works 64 doesn't under my circumstances.
  13. I had removed a couple mods and that was one of them. Possible they are intertwined somewhere within. I will try a fresh install in case. Also, I guess if I am limited by 32 bit I could run out of memory, but I would also assume that would create a bsod and not just a game shut down. I have looked in and around the main menu and it does not tell me which version I am running, but I will assume 32 bit because it is through steam. I will try a reinstall...see if that helps. Also a fresh install of the above-listed mods.
  14. I wanted to include that one crash had happened after pressing save in the hangar. That was the other day when the issue started and there have been 20+ crashes since. The others were from clicking launch, either at the main base screen or in the hangar, or at the revert to construction button on the launch pad/in the air.
  15. Hey guys, I think I found postings that tackle the issue of this type of crash, but the only responses I see are that x64 cannot be properly treated right now? That is understandable, but it leads me to ask: How do I install x32bit Kerbal? I am running it through Steam so if doing it through that is possible, great, if no, where else can I go? Thank you in advance. (If you feel this does not tackle the crash issue, please post whatever other options I have - yes I could remove the addon, but that is my hopeful non-endgame) Also: I am happy to attach any logs I could find, if you wish, but I am not getting bsod. The game just uninitializes and I go to the desktop. I am running 16gb ram on an overclocked machine, so the crashes seem odd. I've not found similar crashes purely because of the mods' use; only presumptively because of the x64 program. Here is the log: (just read the instructions again, sorry) https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6zcafbpnqdlx0o/output_log.txt?dl=0 Also, maybe I am running 32bit and had only assumed? Sorry for the trouble. My list of addons: B9 Aerospace (with firespitter) (Unofficial repack since the standard only crashes on gameload) KW Rocketry KAS NearFuture Construction/Propolsion/Solar SpaceplanePlus StationScience ExsurgentEngineering If you need anything else, let me know. I can look up the versions if you'd like but I just downloaded them last week so they are all current.
  16. Yeah, looks fine =/ oh well thank you though. I guess still noteworthy.
  17. I have just uploaded it as a different name. It was named My Movie. Worked this time? I will try it a couple more ways, but maybe its a simple as that. Just updating you. Thanks again.
  18. All uploads were via windows 7 on my desktop through Chrome. Forgot to include that.
  19. I have tried uploading an flv, mp4, windows movie maker, and youtube. All of them do it. I looked at the properties and they match my last night's entry. I tried reapplying last nights to test and it is fine. Looking in the publish options, I notice a check box to keep/remove black bars (horizontal, vertical). I have tried checking to keep the bars and leaving it unchecked to hopefully crop them (which still does not address the fact the original is cropped, too, but rids the black bars). When I checked to keep the black bars, the black bars did not stay. When I unchecked, meant to get rid of the bars, same result; black bars did not stay. It was only a cropped version, zoomed into and slightly right of the original. Just so you know, this was also the result once I uploaded at the beginning of creating a coub and was not after publishing, so its an upload issue for sure. The video I am trying to upload is loaded from an mp4 onto youtube at if you are interested.Also, thanks for hopping on this asap. You guys rock!
  20. So I can't upload mp4s anymore, and if I do .flvs or other, it just loads a box of the image and cuts off the side. Anyone else?
  21. Sweet! So far so good. Thanks again guys. - - - Updated - - - I wouldn't mind knowing either. I notice the image is more granular and I can tell it is at 30fps. I can change the fps but yeah, what else can we change?
  22. Hey guys... Internet has shown a ton of sketchy video game recording software. In honor of the recent contest, what are a few good, free, video recording software I can use before uploading to COUB? FRAPS only allows 30seconds. Otherwise, you have to pay them $40 for the full version. It is very simple to use. How about something similar, if possible?
  23. By the way, I want to point out this is different than subassemblies. Here, I hope to make it so the MK3 will retain its shape/size (unless you allow that to be adjustable or it is purposely combined with, say, the MK2) but while retaining its original form it would now include a battery and different fuel, etc.
  24. Yeah implementation seems roughest. More so, doing something like this early would only create another barrier of red tape before updates are released because everything within this extension would have to be updated/altered. Seems good for late implementation.
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