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Everything posted by Soesah

  1. I have to agree with the original post. I was playing a 1.3.1 install, with a bunch of mods. The performance is rather bad, but the mods make the gameplay a whole lot better. Now I've moved to 1.9.1 and the performance is nice, but several mods have issues, do not work, have changed for the worse, or other. And so I have to agree that the people working at Squad have had enough time to implement these sometimes fantastic improvements that some mods bring. I'm thinking of KAS, KIS, MKS, base building, interface improvements, a better tech tree, and more. The minor improvements that the current DLC offer is rather disappointing.
  2. What mod is that command module with the large door from?
  3. @helldiver and @Nazari1382 Great news about the continuation of this project. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your work, and the kerbally look of the shuttles. I'll be one of many eagerly, but patiently, awaiting more news and updates.
  4. I've searched for answers to this question, but have not found any definite one yet. I set up an alarm for a transfer to Eeloo. It came up as something like 60 days. 60 days later however the phase angle needed to go to Eeloo had long since passed. I checked the other alarms I had set up for planetary transfers, and they too had started to run out of sync. I read somewhere that Kerbal Alarm Clock uses circular orbits to calculate these things, but that post seemed rather old, so I questioned the validity of the answer. Can someone explain to me why this happens and what I can do about it? I would much appreciate it.
  5. I had similar issues. Installing this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-7-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod helped me out. It reduced the texture sizes for several mods, and thus the memory footprint of KSP allowing everything to load properly.
  6. This is a mod that came out last week, and which a lot of people had been waiting for for many months: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System. It is totally awesome. Firstly because it looks awesome, secondly because it fits six Kerbals which you can move around, thirdly because it has a nice working cargo bay with which to deploy satelites or bring resources to your station. Lastly it uses RPM, or Raster Prop Monitor for the displays inside the cockpit. These display all sorts of information and allow you to fly the vessel from IVA which adds a whole new dimension to KSP.
  7. I just have to say again how great this work is. I was totally geeking out at the shuttle itself, the detail of the textures, and how it all comes together so nicely. Also thanks for introducing me to the MFD's which now show up in all of the cockpits. I assembled the shuttle myself last night, launched it, freaked out at the separation of the spinning boosters (I had set them up with sepatrons as well, and I think it was luck that helped me out), and had plenty of fuel to make it to the station I have in orbit where I docked the shuttle. It looks great, and fills a nice gap in my line up of vessels. Thanks again for all the hard work, and thanks beforehand for the new docking adapter
  8. Thanks! That did the trick... I've been playing KSP for quite a while, but had not had issues with memory before. Thanks for the heads up and for the fix. Using ATM Basic things are running again
  9. Love this shuttle. Absolutely fantastic work! I have one issue though, and I hope someone can help me find a solution. KSP won't load with this part installed and the KW rocketry pack side by side. I am also using TAC Life Support, MechJeb, KAS, Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kethane, but those load fine with the shuttle. Has anyone experienced this?
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