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Dark Junior

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Everything posted by Dark Junior

  1. THe toilet has exploded. Also, I send ninja death stars to track you down and kill you. They found you AGAIN. My planetary rubble.
  2. The laser sharks blow up every hill in sight. It's only a matter of time before they- oops, they found you. My hill.
  3. Officer, I was buying a potato, when a member of the illuminati mugged me, and blamed a murder on me. You are caught with toxic waste, an invasive plant species, and a doomsday device. You're near the white house. (I'm Canadian, but people know what the white house is are more common than people who know about the house of commons)
  4. I send an army of laser sharks to kill you. My hill.
  5. Uhh, empty your inbox, please. It's hard to send messages when iy's full

  6. I send a covert operative in to clog your toilet. Your tanks blow up as well. My clogged toilet. On second thought, I blow up the toilet, make a two-foot high mound of dirt, and say it's a hill. My hill.
  7. Uh... No. I throw explosive lemonade at you, killing you. My hill.
  8. -7! This has GOT to be the most back and forth game of number war.
  9. Banned for striving to an SSTO Spaceplane
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