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Dark Junior

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Everything posted by Dark Junior

  1. Ya know, I'm trying REALLY hard to not die. It's harder than you think
  2. What's going on? what's Xannari Doing? Wha- (Passes out and reopens wound in back.
  3. But that'll kill every-----! (passes out again and falls out of bed)
  4. Uhh... What happened? Where am I? Status repo--- (passes out again)
  5. I lost too much blood. I pass out.
  6. I'm on the citadel. The attackers are boarding. - - - Updated - - - Also, my back hurts from lasers,
  7. Sorry. You do it. I'm too busy not dying.
  8. When suddenly, I take a shot to the back (I've been hurt alot lately. First the ambush. Then the reality shift.)
  9. All of my available BOT forces go after the boarding party. Meanwhile, Xannari is unaccounted for.
  10. I mixed it with the thing my ships are made of: An Iron-Titanium alloy. This makes it very nearly ivinvible, along with my signature particle shield.
  11. Xannari clone is still in stasis! Search for true Xannari continues!
  12. BOT platoons, watch the landing bay. Ships coming into view: They're not Xannari... They're the ships that ambushed me that one time.
  13. Xannari attacking? Or another faction? Assemple the GA fleet. defend the Citadel! Never a dull moment, huh?
  14. A Xannari clone is aboard the Citadel?
  15. No, that's certainly the real one in stasis. ALER ALERT ALERT: INTRUDER DETECTED Oops Is it Xannari or another intruder?
  16. The stun kicks in, knocking out Xannari for 12 hours.
  17. Welcome, Laythe dwelller. Any ideo how to deal with Xannar? - - - Updated - - - I'll assign my best scientists to this issue.
  18. I think Xannari should be sent to prison to life. Any idea, Sampa?
  19. Yep. And BOT platoon 5 is guarding her. At first sign of escape, the stasis tank will knock Xannari unconscious with a jolt of electricity. - - - Updated - - - Anyway, first order of business: What's the long-term solution for the Xannari issue?
  20. BOT platoon 7, escort Xannari to a cell. - - - Updated - - - Meanwhile, the citadel meeting starts at post 415
  21. sorry, paranoia is a side effect of reality shift, I guess.. Sorry sampa. Well, BOT platoon 7 aid Sampa now
  22. Xannari, tell me! Do you or do you not have something to do with my collapse? this could destroy security!
  23. Xannari, tell me! Also, make everything at least a BIT scientific.
  24. Xannari, do you know what happened to me? Tell me now! END TRANSMISSION!
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