25/m/Ct. likes long walks on the beach, dinner by candle light, and romantic.... wait a minute. where am i? Oh yea. SPACE! the final FRONTIER. Hi folks, I am not new to Kerbol, but I am new at this forum, or any internet forum for that matter. skimmed over the rules, and I hope that I can truly contribute to this awesome game. I heard about KSP from a friend of mine, and I loved it the moment I built my first MiG, to my latest Oil Tanker in orbit. I intend on going the next few days to religiously check this forum, and then continue to check this like Facebook. My latest adventure found me [Career Mode] filling up my Oil Tanker Station, repeatedly crashing on Duna, a Space Station above Ike, rescuing my Kerbonauts from Minmus and the Mun. Squad i love you guys. Sincerely, THIS GUY!