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Everten P.

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Posts posted by Everten P.

  1. I wanted to know if there are any Nuclear reactors that could not be dismantled or salvaged to make nuclear weapons. I thought this would be important because of the growing reliance of nuclear power and the things it can provide for impoverished countries. I am doing this for a essay question I had for school about how nuclear plants can corrupt countries or make them dangerous even in times of low manpower, I wanted to know if there was a complete solution or not to the issue. Thank you for your time:).

    Edit: It would be preferable if the technology existed or had been time tested, but if thorium is the only answer then I will be willing to accept.

  2. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_man_o%27_war

    Unfortunately I have to begin this forum post with a Wikipedia link for basic information on the Portuguese Man Of War. However my question is, could the Portuguese Man Of War become proof of many organisms becoming one, new organism? It is believed that mitochondria were once an independent bacteria that became part of cells when they realized survival and reproduction were more likely as part of a cell than alone.


    The Portuguese Man Of War seems to be working in the same way. With multiple organisms working together because survival and reproduction are more likely. Could in the next 50-100 years could we start seeing whole Portuguese Man Of Wars being born instead of the cluster that we see today (my estimate may be off but I am no biologist :D )

  3. If you could create a negative energy weapon it would most likely be in a LASER format (due to the fact we cannot store it). The easiest way to create negative energy is to cause a laser beam to enter a 'squeezed' state, this causes amplitude to increase, and as the trough of a laser waves energy density is zero having an increase in amplitude causes the energy density to drop to negatives. A negative energy laser can do something that only multiple positive energy lasers can accomplish, when a negative energy laser contacts an item, it cools the object instead of heating it. This effect is quickly turned around by quantum interest, much like a bank, for any amount of negative energy that is generated a positive energy will return to fill it up. So a negative energy laser cools then heats the target to a higher change than the negative energy change. This has many combat applications such as, firing a high level negative energy beam into a target to fracture a piece of armor, or even incinerate a human. My main question is, would a weapon system like this be efficient/effective? I want your opinion and if I say something that was disproved or wrong please inform me as most of this information came from 4 hours of independent research.:D

    Sources: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/negativeenergy/negativeenergy.htm

  4. I was thinking that the material study science experiment gets a bit boring and having a station makes no sense if you can't get very much science from it... So I was thinking that the material study could have different materials and different types of experiments that take a bit of the material to use. I was also thinking that a new module could be added, a publicity module, where famous kerbonauts could make videos and send them back down to get reputation! I think that this would not only make science more interesting and flexible but also make space stations more valuable and practical.

  5. If we had a large space-based farm, around 5km by 5km that did not rely on artificial gravity how do you thing the plants/ fungi would adapt to live more successfully? I know this is a question that only nature can really answer but can anyone give me an idea of what they think?

  6. What if we used a plant that adapted to the Martian environment? I can imagine a cactus like plant near the equator and grasses near the poles like in the poles of our Earth but nature works in crazy ways perhaps we could introduce life to Mars and see which direction the individuals adapt in and fill the 2000 year gap with GE?

  7. When I think of microbes in space I think of something like a coral reef built around the skeletons of the dead but maybe they aren't carbon based or maybe have found a way to generate ATP without the materials we have and have maybe created a planet sized ball of cells (being that they might be less advanced and came early in universal history). I think it would be awesome if there was a planet like that but alas, it would probably collapse over its own weight..

  8. I have heard of OTRAG but my friends tell me it doesn't exist to which I reply "shut up"

    Anyway OTRAG was a German company founded by Lutz T Kayser. There rockets ranged from the Kayser 1 to the Kayser 128 ( the number being how many tons they could get in to a low stable orbit). They all weighed 100 tons heavier then their payload. The rocket used CRPUs (Common Rocket Propulsion Units) these CRPUs had thrust control ranging from 100%-40%, this was a liqui fuel design that could not be shut down. It also did not need fuel pumps and moved the fuel by pressure alone. The design of each rocket was Danny2462 on steroids in the 70's, having a cluster of rockets that used parallel staging (as in the outer layer would decouple and the next would activate, if a rocket needed to lift more than the literal solution was adding MOAR BOOSTARS. The CRPUs were cheap and required no fancy equipment or fuel, the outside of the rocket was made of steel (but could use aluminum if necessary), they were mass produced around 1000 CRPUs a year so they were cheap and had a burn time of 280 seconds . Finally, because of its simplicity and lack of complicated parts it had a low failing chance and if it failed it could be built faster and cheaper than if a space shuttle, Orion, etc. crashed, but alas the company had made some bad decisions made by Kayser the company was torn apart by political chaos and was ended around 1980.

    P.S. Since I am a scrub in this forum I couldn't put up pictures :(

  9. I would like to know a) what the questions are B) what they ask(simplified) c) why they are important

    NOTE: I have not become a freshman yet so I have not learned advanced math so that is why I am asking :)

    Edit: oh god what have I done I put a typo in sorry guys. D:

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