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Everten P.

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Everything posted by Everten P.

  1. Okay... okay... First of all if you had a virtual infinite amount of energy [such as a black hole generator(yes that's a thing)] then it could work. You would also require a way to attract energy to bond and "trick" it into bonding together in certain patterns. Say in the example of air to chicken, some people think that you need to fry chicken to get fried chicken but no, you can arrange amino acids to make cells and arrange them to create muscles finally adding a layer of the substance fry is made of (IDK).
  2. "I have an idea that just might work" -Gandalf ,HISHE My mission would envolve three missions landing on Mars. The first mission would be composed of builders, supplies, and plants. They would land near the poles of Mars near projected Ferrous mineral sites. When they have found a suitable position they would begin building a dome like complex and use it as a hub. The next mission is more strait forward bringing builders and more supplies. The last mission would bring breeding mothers and fathers to help populate and build a new civilization
  3. NUCLEAR FREAKING MISSILES IS WHAT I WOULD WANT POWERING MY ROCKET I would fly over my my enemies watching them BUUUUURRRRNNN lol jk ,no not kidding
  4. How do i post photos? Because i just finished my ship.
  5. Hey is the Handland pilot position taken? I would be honored to be the enemy and not to be brash but I am cunning and am going to make a ship soon as soon as I get it to orbit.
  6. Soon my Stealth Ship will be complete pictures will be up soon For Handland mainly because I want macey to have a challenge. -Evercorp United
  7. I love the sound of this mod and everyone is making it sound awesome and i wanted to know how to install it. (I have a Windows if that helps)
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