Hello KSP Community! I've been playing for several months now and have finally signed up to the forums. After numerous trips here to help me get started, it's become obvious that I should no longer be a Guest and be an active member of this great cadre of space wayfarers! So I do need one question answered: Can careers be transferred from one computer to another? I've been playing KSP on my laptop for a while now because I was having major issues with my desktop. After months of playing on the lowest graphics settings and with lots of lag (honestly, I'm surprised my laptop could run it at all), it will be nice actually have great and SMOOTH graphics. Kinda would make landings a little less hairy! Just today I finally got (most) of my desktop back up to snuff and it would be great to have my current career because I only have a couple more research groups left. Plus, I've made some very wonderful personal accomplishments that I'd hate to just throw into the figurative dust bin by letting them stay neglected on my ol' trusty laptop. Any help will be gratefully received! Thanks all and happy landings!