Yup, another kebranaut joining this community. What should I write here... I'm playing around in KSP since... Meh, I forgot. October, I think. I have plan to begin new great programm: exploring planet systems made with Krag's Planet Factory mod, with a couple of some other plugins. That will be something new for me: I never built massive ships before. We will see about that. What elce can I say... Sometimes my grammar su... Being not best, I mean. But I will do my best to prevent that. Ready for some challanges, interested in testing new plugins. My achievements for that moment: -Mun: Orbit, landed, built base -Minmus: same thing -Duna: Land... Well, crashed the mission. But I saved them later. -Dress: Landed and returned -Eve: Landed on Gilly and returned home And, of cource, space station at the 75 km orbit on Kerbin, capable of refueling, docking, etc. Everything done in Career mode. That's all, I think... Fly safe©