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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. I could be wrong (and probably are), but I think the "floatiness" has more to do with center of mass than it does with buoyancy in vanilla KSP.
  2. Dang, very nice! I'm still struggling to get a true VTOL working myself. This is making me not want to give up
  3. I've got to hand it to you; that is some of the best looking parts modelling I've seen in KSP.
  4. While clearly not nearly as massive as many of the vehicles in this thread, this little guy is pretty massive by my standards. In theory, it has vehicles prepared for every environment in the Jool SOI. Thank heavens for KAS EVA struts...
  5. This here is my very first successful SSTO. It's not much to look at, and it gets a 100x100 orbit with only about a hundred dV to spare, but it works On the plus side, it also has a kethane drill, tanks, and processor in it's little storage bay, so once I've refueled it in orbit, it can expect to get back from anywhere it goes, so long as it lands on a kethane deposit. Here's that cargobay. (Technically this is an earlier version of the ship shown above, but the cargobay remains the same, and this version couldn't make orbit :\ )
  6. I'm glad I could help! In case it is of use, your question inspired me to make a guide on Steam for new RT2 players. If any of you guys have some helpful feedback or criticism, I'm all ears
  7. Just to add to what KerbMav said, omni antennas do not require routing so long as there is an unbroken series of omni antennas between the ship and the KSC. Obviously there is no omni with interplanetary range, so if you want to control a probe on the surface of Duna without that probe carrying a massive directional antenna (and having line of sight from Duna to the KSC) you'll need: • an omni on the Duna probe • an omni on a ship in orbit within range of the probe • a directional on that orbiting ship aimed at Kerbin • a satellite in orbit of Kerbin with a directional aimed at Duna. • a connection between the satellite and KSC via the normal means. Now, unless that ship orbiting Duna is in geosynchronous orbit, you'll only have a connection to the probe part of the time. For that reason I tend to set up 3 satellite networks around every planetary body I visit. Even then, your network may be occluded by various planetary bodies (such as Ike or the Mun), but the signal disruption should be brief.
  8. What are the requirements for the actual impacting craft? I know it needs to be the active vehicle, but is there a weight/speed requirement? I've slammed several probes into Minmus with no effect, while the ship used to get them there worked just fine for the job.
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