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Lexxy Fox

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Everything posted by Lexxy Fox

  1. Your maps have improved my gaming experience greatly, and I have to thank you so much for making it. I made this forum account just to thank you. Features I'd like to see/currently working on myself: DMS format for coordinates Offline mode Grid lines I've read at least one other person besides me in this thread would like to see the popups in DMS format. I whipped up this quick little bit of code to convert the popups for anyone that's interested: javascript:var a="(-?([0-9]*.[0-9]+|[0-9]+))",a=new RegExp(a+" : "+a),c=L.KSP.CelestialBody,i=document,j,k,d=i.createElement("style"),z="overlays";i.head.appendChild(d);d.sheet.insertRule(".leaflet-popup-content table{font-size:12px;text-align:right}",0);map.infoControl.options.dms=true;for(i in c)for(j in c[i][z])for(k in c[i][z][j]._layers)(d=c[i][z][j]._layers[k]._popup)._content=d._content.replace(a,function(a,b,a,a){return L.KSP.Control.Info.prototype._dmsFormatter({lat:b,lng:a})}); Or use the userscript version (tested with Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey): http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/377324 Tomorrow/eventually I'll work on making it toggle-able between DMS and decimal, and also remembering the selected preference. I'll work on offline mode tomorrow also, but it'll be much better if it's implemented in the map itself.
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