Like a lot of people on here, I've been interested in spaceflight for many, many years. Recently, that interest started to wane along with NASA's budget. Even though there were still many exciting missions coming up, the gutting of the Science Mission Directorate and the underfunding of Manned Spaceflight got me down. I picked up the demo of KSP with admitedly mild interest, and very quickly it got me hooked - not just in the game, but spaceflight in general again. I've been devouring Von Karman lectures and documentaries, so I guess you could say I play KSP because it keeps me passionate about exploration. Also, the way I play is generally using small spacecraft, so the feeling I get when on the surface of some far off planet is one of isolation, like the world's longest solo camping trip! That's perfect for when a bit of escapism is in order