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Everything posted by SpaceChief

  1. Hello fellow Kerbals! I've started using mods to spice up the game and I've quickly come to a question I've been unable to answer myself... What is the quickest way I can refuel my station in orbit around Kerblin? I've been successful in getting small amounts of fuel and parts off the ground and to the station (parts as in a space dock that allows me to launch from space being I have sufficient resources) but have been unable to do much more. My best was about 5% of my fuel capacity and even less for parts in one launch. It seems like it wouldn't be worth the time to try and keep the station refueled. I've heard from somewhere that using a space plane rather than a rocket can be more useful but I haven't been able to figure it out albeit I haven't spent much time on the subject... Also I've installed Kethane and was wondering if it would suit me better to just mine from Mun and ship it to the station after its been refined on base? Thank you everyone! (Sorry if I've double posted somehow, I posted one similar to this earlier but was unable to find it in the Threads... )
  2. Hello fellow Kerbals! I've recently begun to add mods to my game to spice it up and I've started using Kethane mod as well as some others. The question I have is this. I've sent some time making a station in orbit around Kerblin for use as a space dock/refueling station and I am wondering if it is more fuel efficient to build a base on Mun to refuel my station or if I should stick to shutting fuel up from the ground? The reason I'm wondering is the amount of effort I spend trying to get fuel off the ground and to the station seems a little much. I launch a huge ship and only get a small amount of fuel into orbit. I think my best so far was 5% or so of my capacity on the station. It seems a little rediculous to try and keep the station fueled from the ground. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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