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Okie Rocket

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Everything posted by Okie Rocket

  1. I think he's referring to the drag spikes on the "wings". It looks like the drag on each panel depends on which edge is facing the direction of the plane's movement.
  2. At a guess, I'd say your rear landing gear are too far back from the CoL. It might need some extra control surfaces, too.
  3. Hey! Long time lurker, not quite first time poster. I was looking at the fuel system on this after a flight and noticed that the two fl-800 tanks had managed to become unbalanced. I did some picking and pulling at parts in the hanger. It looks like the nuke is pulling oxidizer the way it should but if there's any liquid fuel left it the mkII adapter it pulls from there and the tank on the left while leaving the LF in the right side untouched. Depending on fuel levels and how long it goes unnoticed, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. (If I'm mistaken somehow, feel free point and laugh. ) On the whole though, this is sweet as usual. I have something that's functionally very similar but considerably uglier!
  4. Sweet! Seeing things like this makes me wish I had any programming chops to speak of.
  5. Was messing around with Starvision's Enterprise when I noticed I could see clouds through the ship. I hadn't noticed it with any other crafts, maybe it's just this one? I'm using the low res version.
  6. I know I would get more delta-v with just one but I like having a little extra thrust and once it's fueled it's got enough delta-v anyway that I don't mind the loss.
  7. I used to use the stock hub and some adapters for stations. It worked ok but I didn't like how flexible it was and since my computer isn't as good as it once was the I've been trying to trim part counts. I got this down to 35. I'm not the one that did the rescale. I found it on space port. I know how to tweak some config values but I basically know nothing about the attachment rules. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/large-hub/
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7yldwb13u58tct/screenshot5.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/xcihxrgbwo4m3yj/screenshot3.png
  9. This is the Minmus station. It actually fell apart right after taking the screenshot. I launched another one with the quantum struts that seems stable but I'd love it if they weren't necessary.
  10. Yeah, there are a couple other instances that make me wonder if the Kraken is completely dead. Like a lander with no engine accelerating to escape velocity. I had Kerbal joint reinforcement installed. At first, I wondered if it was acting funny so I removed it but no dice. Still funky. The quantum struts seem to help, though. Trying them out, I turn them off and get the station shaking. They can settle it down again as long as I don't wait too long to turn them back on. Still, this probably calls for redesign.
  11. No cubic or octagonal struts, so it's not that. I did some experimenting with the persistence file, changing resource level and such. The odds of trouble go way up if the drive section is empty but the storage tanks are full or close to it. The storage tanks are two of the orange tanks and two large kethane tanks. They're attached to a scaled up version of the stock six way hub. It seems like when the center of mass is in that area it gets extra squirrely, even though that's where I want it. If one tank is half full and the others are topped off, everything seems ok. Of course, it'll never fly straight like that.
  12. Even with SAS off it can still happen. The Minmus station is really easy to get going even though it never did it until now. A little wiggle in the wrong direction gets it dancing and then nothing I do can save it, even time warping only delays the destruction. Once it started right after loading physics when I jumped from another ship, never even touched the controls. I could quicksave and load but this is something that's designed to make interplanetary trips if necessary so I'd rather not have to do that all the way to Jool and then do I always do, hit F5 when I meant F9.
  13. I've been playing for a few months and I've built space stations before with out too much trouble. In the last couple days though, I put a fuel station in orbit of the Mun. I do have some mods, one of them is Kethane, and some other parts that looked handy. On one of my trips from a Mun kethane deposit to the station I got the Mun station most of the way full with fuel and kethane. But in the middle of transferring the tanks on the station started wobbling and within 5 seconds or so the station broke up. It happened several times and seems to happen when the tanks opposite each other are at about the same level. If they're significantly uneven it doesn't happen, at least not yet. The weirder thing is, I already did this same thing once before with no trouble. I got a Kethane processing station at Minmus filled to capacity with no problems but now even if it twitches when it's full it disintegrates, too. I couldn't find any other reports similar. Don't know if it's a physics bug or a mod. It's only just started and all I did before was add some different engines.
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