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Everything posted by Frank_Black

  1. Hello everyone~ Here I run into some problems. I accepted the contrast of Mun Outpost and I built a Lab rover and a living space rover and succeeded to land them on the Mun and then I docked them together. But then I found that the confirmation of ‘Landed on the Mun' kept twinkling, and I cannot get the confirmation of 'Maintain stability for at least 10 seconds'. When I get a closer look of my outpost, I surprised to find that my rover keeps vibrating and twisting! Just like a perpetual motion machine! But I was doing nothing! Then I closed the RAS and SAS, released the brake, but they do not work. I was able to move the rover forward or turn, but whenever I stopped, the rover started dancing. When I tried to return to the space center, the game crashed. I do not know why these things happen. Does anybody have ideas?
  2. Yes, I know it, but I just processed the same module, for exam the mysterious Guu, several times, and I processed them one by one, but it got just slower and slower. By the way, if there were only one kerbal in the lab, it just won't work, isn't it? The lab would just tell you 'Not Operatable'.
  3. I have placed a lot of electricity on the station. The lab can use them automatically right?
  4. No, I have loads of electricity, around 13000, And I have plenty of electricity charge. They did not run out during the processing procedure.
  5. Hello everyone, I got a question about the mobile processing lab. Recently I find that if I make it to analyse data again and again, it worked slower and slower, which make me mad at waiting the data processing. Is there any way to keep the lab at high efficiency? Thanks~
  6. Hi buddy, although I do not know exactly what wall you have hit, I got some ideas:) 1. As for docking, may I ask whether you have used RCS or not? If you have not used it yet, it is quite normal that you have missed your target again and again. RCS can provide accurate and convenient momentum modification when your ship is close enough to your target. Here is my step to dock with another ship. (I do not have any other mods to help me dock, I just use the original parts to finish it.) 1.1 Firstly, it is quite convenient and better to make the target ship at a circular orbit but not an elliptical orbit. 1.2 Launch the docking ship, do normal gravity turn and raise the Apo. to a suborbital, and shut down engine when the Apo. just reached the orbit of the target ship. That means their orbits encounter at one point. 1.3 When the docking ship reached the Apo, do an acceleration, make the orbit to an elliptical one. In reality we calculate the cycle period of each ship, and make the two ships meet the next time the docking ship comes to this point. In this game, it is much easier since we can see the target's position when the docking ship intersect. You can just shut down engine when the two labels are close enough, usually less than 10 km. 1.4 Wait until the two ship reach the intersection, then decelerate the docking ship to 0m/s relative to the target. then accelerate to target ship at a low speed(usually at 100m/s at 10km, 50m/s at 6km, 30m/s at 4km, 10m/s at 1km). if you find your speed deviate from the target, just decelerate to 0m/s, then accelrate towards the target. Repeat this procedure again and again, finally you can reach the target. 1.5 When you are 300m away from the target, decelerate to 0m/s the last time with the engines. Go to docking mode, use RCS to slowly approach the target. select a port as 'target', approach it. 1.6 When your ship is 70m away from the target docking port, align your ship with the docking port, kill all side way speed, just approach directly to the port. 1.7 Final speed of docking depends on the mass of your ship. The heavier it is, the slower you'd better be. 2. As for landing, it is important to design a lander with enough fuel and enough thrust power. I do not know what your lander looks like, but it is quite easier to try landing on Mun firstly. Good luck~
  7. Thank you so much for your reply~ I've got it~ - - - Updated - - - Thank you so much for your reply~ I've got it:)
  8. Thank you so much for your reply~ Can I make all parts physicsful? Because I think that the more physicsless parts, the less reality will the whole game behave like.
  9. Oh, I see.. sorry to bother you again but what is the meaning of this modify? Does it kill all physical features of the decoupler or just fix this bug? Thx~~
  10. Hi, everyone~ Here I got a problem with the TR-38-D decoupler. I made a rocket with 4 stages, and all of them are jointed together with TR-38-D. The first stage and the second stage were OK when I decoupled them, but when I decoupled the third stage, it just exploded, and damaged the engine of the fourth stage. I do not know why it worked like this. Does somebody have any ideas? Thanks~
  11. Hello everyone~ I wanna do some calculations about my rockets, but the problem is I am not sure what the unit of every parameters given by KSP is. For example, when it comes to rocket engine, there is always some parameters like 'Maximum Thrust: 200', but wait, what exactly the number '200' means? Is there someplace where I can find all these parameter units in this forum?
  12. Oh, I see.. Thank you~~ - - - Updated - - - Oh I see.. Thank you !~~
  13. Only Mun is enough for you to accomplish most part of the whole science tree expect the last line, which needs to land on Mimus to earn enough science points. You should not have unlocked the aerodynamics, since aircraft is of no use if you wanna go to Mun and return. Now you should firstly unlock Electrics for the OX-STAT photovoltaic panels, then Advanced Construction then at the next line, the Specialized Construction for the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port. Once you get the docking port, you are able to build a space station near Mun, which make it possible for you to land to collect Mun samples and return to earn a lot loads of science points. Remember to make good use of the Mobile Processing Lab you have already owned, which always give you extra science points.
  14. No they won't float, they just splashed down into the water.
  15. Hello everyone, I am a fresh man in aircraft building. Here I got a problem. Right now I built a simple aircraft with twin engine, but once I reached about 23km, one engine started to lose trust power, but another engine continued to increase power, which caused the whole jet to spin like a gyroscope! The next time I tried to fly higher, when I reached 20km, I lowered the nose down, decreased the climb rate to around 20m/s, but the same thing happend, this time I see very clearly that engine 2 trust level power dropped directly around 10kN, then it began to lose power while engine no. 1 continued to increase power. I had to cut the trust level of both engine to idle, then easily increase both trust. After a while, engine No.2 stopped again and once more I did the same thing to regain control of the aircraft... Although I finally managed to reach 31km high, maintained stable altitude for several minutes, I still do not know why engine No.2 just keep losing power. None of them were flamed out, they were working the whole time.
  16. I am also interested to figure out some ways to land and get back from Eve. Since Eve has a fairly thick and dense atmosphere plus a really high escape velocity, It is extremely hard to come back once we land on it. I think maybe your rocket's structure is not strong enough, which caused unstable performances especially when you get high acceleration rate.
  17. Hello everyone~ I've been in game for several months, here I got a question. Today I installed the Ubuntu system, and then I downloaded the KSP 0.23.5 of Linux version. Then I started the game, only to find that the graph is of lower quality than which in Windows8.1. The outline of every ship was jagged, and I feel uncomfortable to see such graph effect. Does anybody run KSP in Linux system? Have you met such problems before? Thx~
  18. Oh if you open timewarp, ship always travels too quickly, hard to stop before encounter other unexpected planets.
  19. I have finally achived science tree in 0.23.5, just landed on Mun and Mimus, but I found that I have not used these parts: M-Beam I Beam, the Not-Rockomax Micronode and the Structural Panel. What are they used for? Is there some I missed? Just now I tried the structural panel, intended to make a cube box container for probe, but how to open it after I land?
  20. It is because the gravity range of Tylo is too large, and its mass is not small. Very easy to encounter, but troubles follow when you do not want to get into its way. One solution is to get your Jool orbit out of equater, and encounter Lathe from either polar.
  21. Thanks all! I've tried it later, and find that the Claw works perfectly catching up ships:)
  22. I met the same problem when the first time to perform the docking, and I think I know exactly what is wrong. 1. Only docking ports with the same size can be docked together. 2. The O ring of two docking ports can be docked together only after you have activated both of them. 3. To activate the docking port on your own ship, right click it and click the 'Control from here'; To activate the docking port on the target ship, right click it and click the 'Set as target'. This is really important, if not doing so, the docking ports just do not have any magnetic. 4. After these steps, just go for it as you did before~ I know you perform a really good alignment.Good luck:D
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