Hello all, I recently restarted playing KSP after going on a hiatus in 0.23.5 or something like that. Before I had tens of mods, and it was pretty fun but heavy. I am a bit more into the role-play side of things, rather than career mode, and thus I like playing in Science mode. I would like to know if there is a mod that more or less rearranges the stock tech tree (with their parts) in a more realistic manner. Basically, similarly to Better Than Starting Manned. I think it's nice for new players, but not very realistic, that you are able to send live people on space way before sending just probes to do a local survey (SCANsat is pretty nice in this aspect), and rovers. Imagine if we sent Apollo mission before anything else! Of course I could simply play in Sandbox and just pretend I don't have stuff unlocked. But I really like that you get the Science to unlock things, it gives a bit more pragmatic purpose than just pretending. I'm not really sure if BTSM is still supported, and last time I checked it needed DeadlyReentry, and stuff like that. I'd like to run something almost stock.