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Everything posted by *Aqua*

  1. I don't know of an jet engine which can fly on Jool but you can try electric propellers instead. KAX, Freight Transport Technologies and the USI Exploration Pack each have one.
  2. @Fengist I never heard of that mod before. Please try to remember! I beg you! @Tontow I know.
  3. Currently KSP uses one thread (= roughly "one cpu core") to calculate physics. So if you've got a quadcore cpu 3/4 of it will stay idle. Even if that one cpu core is running at 100%. The new Unity engine will allow to use more than one thread for physics. So we should see a performance increase. (Hopefully a big one but I'm not sure.)
  4. Hello pilots! Currently I'm trying out a lot of VTOL ideas I have. Therefore I want some helicopter parts. I already have KAX (adds rotors) and I'm aware of Firespitter. Are there other mods? I'm especially looking for rotors and fuselages. Cya
  5. Thanks for you answer! I added the Spacecraft Exchange and KerbalX. Very good suggestion!
  6. I'm sorry the mod doesn't support this behavior. I never thought that somebody want it like this. I keep that idea in mind and may add it when KSP 1.0.3 is released. But don't bet on that. I don't know if I can do that in a reasonable amount of time. Lots of stuff to do!
  7. Hello fellow pilots! I often see threads in this forum where people are asking how and where to install mods. This small How-To describes the procedure and what pitfalls await you. But don't fear! It's usually very easy! 1. Manual installation 1.1 Where to find mods 1.2 Installing a mod 1.3 Uninstalling a mod 1.4 Troubleshooting 2. Automatic installation 2.1 Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network Package Manager 1. Manual installation 1.1 Where to find mods There are 3 major site where you can find nearly all mods that are made for KSP. a) The Add-ons forum When you are reading this you already found the forum. It consists of several sub-forums: General Add-on Affairs - This forum is usually used to help users searching for mods and to ask for new ones you would like to have but still don't exists. Add-on Releases - Here's the place most modders publish their mods. Have a look at the pinned thread named Community Mods and Plugins Library. It lists the most used mods there are along with the compatible KSP version. It's a good idea to start reading there. Add-on Development - In this forum you can find unfinished mods. Beware that they can have a lot of quirks and break KSP in certain cases. If you are new to KSP mods you should avoid downloading mods from there. The mods aren't uploaded to the forum itself. Instead the mod-creators paste links to Curse, KerbalStuff and/or other websites. Curse The Curse website is the official KSP mods website determined by Squad (developer of KSP). A lot of mod-creators upload their mods to this site. But you should know that not all mod-creators like that website. c) [Link to defunct mod website snipped by moderator because that site has since been hijacked by malware] [snip] is a KSP mod website made by the community. Mod-creators who don't want to host their mods at Curse usually do it here. [Moderator note: you may wish to check out SpaceDock instead. That's the site that replaced the snipped-out one referred to here.] d) The Space Craft Exchange It's a part of this forum. You want to see what other build or just need a proven lifter rocket? Go there! e) KerbalX It's great site to find crafts. It even let's you filter which mods are needed! 1.2 Installing a mod Note: Some mods alter a lot of the game mechanics. This could lead to a lot of problems on existing saved games. You should always create a new career/sandbox/... when installing mods to avoid problems. You now downloaded a .zip file containing a mod. The structure of the content can vary a lot but it's easy to identify what you need to extract. But first open up a file browser and move to you KSP install. If you downloaded the game from Steam you'll usually find it in this place: ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\. In this place there's are several folders which are of interest for you: GameData This is the folder where to put the mods into. saves If you want to play a saved game another one created, put it here. Ships If you downloaded crafts other people created you'll need to put them here. Crafts in the VAB folder show up ingame in the Vehicle Assembly Building load menu. The VAB is the tall building where you primarily build rockets. Crafts in the SPH folder show up in the Space Plane Hangar load menu. The SPH is the build near the runway where you build usually planes and cars/trucks/etc. Next have a look at the contents of the mod.zip. If there's a GameData folder in there put the content of it in the GameData folder of your KSP install. You can do that by dragging and dropping the GameData folder into the KSP install folder. Do not drop the mod's GameData folder on to KSP's GameData folder! This will create a GameData folder inside KSP's GameData folder and most likely causing the mod fail to work or even crash KSP on startup. If there's no GameData folder in the mod.zip it is very likely that there's only the mod folder there. Drag and drop this folder into KSP's GameData folder. If there are more folders put them all into the GameData folder too. There's one exception you should be aware of: ModuleManager. This mod helps other mods to manipulate stuff during the game's startup. It needs to load before the other mods do. This is archieved by putting the ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll (x.x.x = version number) directly into KSP's GameData folder without an additional sub-folder. (...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.x.x.x.dll) Because this mod is so essential for other mods most are bundled with it. When installing several mods it could happen that there are several ModuleManager dlls. Just delete them except for the one with the highest version number. Usually that's it. The mod is installed now and should load the next time when you start KSP. 1.3 Uninstalling a mod Uninstalling is usually a trivial task. Just delete the mod folder inside KSP's GameData folder and that's it. It the mod was bundled with other mods and if those other mods aren't needed by mods you want to keep, delete them too. Be aware that some mods add parts to the game. Crafts which use these parts won't load anymore and are removed from the save file by KSP after displaying an error message. After that the game should work without issues. Some mods alter the save file and/or modify part behaviors. When removing the mods it can lead to unexpected behavior on crafts in flight. 1.4 Troubleshooting The game won't load! There could be several reasons for that. The most commons are: - You put the mod into Kerbal Space Program\GameData\GameData\mod. See chapter 1.2 . - Your game runs out of memory. This can happen when adding a lot of new parts to the game. KSP (Windows version) is a 32 bit executable and has a memory limit of 3.5 GB. If it atempts to get over the limit it _will_ crash. Remove some parts or uninstall some mods to reduce memory usage or try the Active Texture Management mod which compresses textures. You can also try to force KSP to run in OpenGL mode which uses less memory. I installed a parts mod but can't find the parts. Again there could be several reasons for that: - You installed the mod into the wrong path. See chapter 1.2. - The mod depends on other mods to work. See the mod's description if you have all the file you need. - The mod is incompatible with KSP. Locate and read the mod's thread in the Add-on forum if there's a way to make it work again. It still doesn't work! Locate the mod's thread in the Add-on forum. Write a post to let the mod-creator know about your problem. Be as precise and exact as you can be when explaining what you did and what the game does. Look here if you don't know what to write. The game runs slow after installing this mod! - If could be that the mod has issues and spams the log file causing the game to slow down. Go look at the mod's thread in the forum if there's something you can do about it. - Some mods noticeably impact the game's performance. There's nothing you can do about it. 2. Automatic installation 2.1 Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network Package Manager Or in short CKAN. It is an easy to use mod management program which automatically handles mod installation and uninstallation. It can also keep your mods up to date. Just download the package manager and put it somewhere (don't put it in the KSP GameData folder). It can run from any directory without installation. Yeah I know this chapter is pretty short but what else can I write about it? Just read the thread about it. ;-) --- I know this small How To isn't complete. If there's anything wrong please post it. :-)
  8. I updated the mod. Have fun! @Yemo I did what nightingale suggested. Try a MM script like @KerbalMass_Settings { @KerbalMass = xxx @DefaultPartMassIncludesKerbalMass = True } That should do it. @JohnFX Done.
  9. That means stagnation. If you don't go forwards you go backwards. Humanity already disconnected from natural evolution. What usually died because of genetic disabilities can now survive and even produce offspring. I don't think man will survive the next 10 000 years or so if he doesn't change and adapt to new circumstances (one of them is the human domination of Earth). So we need to alter our DNA. If it will include a pair of wings or something like that I don't know but something needs to be done when we are be able to do so.
  10. Thanks for complementing my code but I'm not a master programmer. Yes, I try to do "little" optimizations like the one in my example. I even tend to "over-optimize" things which slows me down a lot. IMHO that isn't enough. A good programmer doesn't just write efficient code he also writes it in a way others can read. Because usually you forget what you did there and usually you work in a team. So code should be easy to understand. Optimizations should only be applied to things which slows down a critical part of a software. It's not easy to follow that rules (at least for me). Ah I remember that one! That's where I learned how a boot loader works. Ok it was at least 10 years ago and I forgot what I did there but man, it's so nostalgic! It's also the the reason why I switched to a high-level programming language. In assembler you have to write pages and pages of code for the simplest things. @bartekkru99 C# is a good start, especially if you want to create mods for KSP. If you think it's too much for you try Java which feels like C# but is a bit more strict. A more strict language offers less possible ways to do something which in turn is more clear and easier to understand.
  11. @Deutherius Correct! Here's your cookie: I accidentally deleted the ; when removing the comments. My lecturer wanted us students to find an efficient way to calculate Σ 1/2k and this was my idea. He was quite surprised. ^^ --- You guys are right. It is almost unreadable. That's the reason why I don't like C++. It's just too easy to make a mess of a code nobody comprehends. And you have to be cautious to not accidentally do something wrong. That's also one of the reasons I don't count myself as a veteran programmer: My code can get pretty messy if a language allows it. That's why I like to stick to Java and C#. In particular Java forces you to stick to design patterns and write good code.
  12. You'll never stop learning. People develop new inventions, algorithms and concepts all the time. You'll most likely have to concentrate on a few fields to be able to keep up. Let me guess a bit so you have some numbers: - intermediate level after about 1-2 years (knows basic concepts and design patterns, uses one programming language) - advanced level after about 5 years (knows most concepts and patterns used in his specialization, knows about 2-3 programming languages) - veteran level after about 10 years (knows a lot of stuff outside his specialization, develops new techniques, chooses programming language according to the problem to solve) These are only guesses. I'm into programming for ~15 years and even studied computer science and I don't consider myself a veteran. Extra cookies for people who understand what this does and why it is probably the most efficient way (I wrote that during classes): double mysterious(unsigned int k) { unsigned long long int value = (1023LL - k) << 52 return 2.0 - *((double*)&value); };-)
  13. Go get someone and tell him to say the word 'red' 20 times as fast as he could. Then immediately ask him: 'At which color do you cross the street?' In most cases the answer will be 'red'. So there are only some people conscious and most are not? I think a human is nothing more then some sort of biological robot which has a basic program, running on (non-controllable) instincts and (chemical/hormonal triggered) emotions. This basic program is generally called "will", "soul", "me", etc.
  14. I nominate katateochi's Clubbing on Mun (MunStep) in the categories best artistic video and best showcase video. In my opinion it fits both. I know it's a pretty old video but amazing! It's also the only KSP video I found worth bookmarking (and that's means a lot!).
  15. Afaik a lot of YouTube people use Dxtory to capture gameplay. In the cases where Dxtory doesn't work they'll use FRAPS. For editing I don't know what is commonly used. Adobe Premiere maybe?
  16. My comments start with // ***. //r=norm(rVect); //rUnitVect=rVect/r; //v=norm(vVect); // *** about Unity Vector3: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Vector3.html // *** looks right float r = rVect.magnitude; //matlab 'norm' is Unity Vector3.magnitude? Vector3 rUnitVect = rVect.normalized; // rVect/r is Unity Vector3.normalized? float v = vVect.magnitude; //hVect=cross(rVect,vVect); //h=norm(hVect); //hUnitVect=hVect/h; //ThetaUnitVect=cross(hUnitVect,rUnitVect); Vector3 hVect = Vector3.Cross(rVect, vVect); float h = hVect.magnitude; Vector3 hUnitVect = hVect.normalized; Vector3 ThetaUnitVect = Vector3.Cross(hUnitVect, rUnitVect); //Energy=v^2/2 - muCB/r; //sma=-muCB/(2*Energy); float Energy = Mathf.Pow( v, 2 )/ 2 - muCB / r; //Am I doing order of operation right? // *** looks ok, but if you are unsure put it into brackets // *** example: ((v*v) / 2) - (muCB / r) - it'll calculate v*v fist, then v² / 2, then muCB / r and finally the substraction float sma = -muCB / (2 * Energy); //p=h^2/muCB; //ecc=sqrt(-p/sma + 1); float p = Mathf.Pow(h, 2) / muCB; float ecc = Mathf.Sqrt(-p / sma + 1); //TrueAnom=acos((p/r - 1)/(ecc)); //if(dot(rVect,vVect)<0) // TrueAnom=-TrueAnom; //end float TrueAnom = Mathf.Acos((p / r - 1) / ecc); if (Vector3.Dot(rVect, vVect) < 0) { TrueAnom = -TrueAnom; } //inc=acos(hUnitVect(3)); float inc = Mathf.Acos(hUnitVect[2]); //Unity vectors are from 0-2, not 1-3 //longAscNode_1=AngleZero2Pi(asin(hUnitVect(1)/sin(inc))); //is AngleZero2Pi a matlab function? what is this? // *** couldn't find that in the documentation, must be a custom method or from an old MATLAB version //longAscNode_2=AngleZero2Pi(pi-asin(hUnitVect(1)/sin(inc))); //longAscNode_3=AngleZero2Pi(acos(-hUnitVect(2)/sin(inc))); //longAscNode_4=AngleZero2Pi(-acos(-hUnitVect(2)/sin(inc))); //longAscNodeSet1=round(1000*[longAscNode_1,longAscNode_2])/1000; //is this a Mathf.Round as a vector2? // *** I think it is. //longAscNodeSet2=round(1000*[longAscNode_3,longAscNode_4])/1000; //[val,ia,ib]=intersect(longAscNodeSet1,longAscNodeSet2); //am I finding the intersection of two vector2's? I don't know how to read this! // *** foo[a, b, c] is an array: 'foo' is the name of it, abc are the names of three elements inside the array. // *** The named elements allow direct access to array element. // *** Therefore [val,ia,ib] is an unnamed array with three elements, named val, ia and ib. //longAscNode=longAscNodeSet1(ia); //I don't know how to read this! // *** I, too, have no idea what happens here. //Theta_1=AngleZero2Pi(asin(rUnitVect(3)/sin(inc))); //Quesion as above //Theta_2=AngleZero2Pi(pi-asin(rUnitVect(3)/sin(inc))); //Theta_3=AngleZero2Pi(acos(ThetaUnitVect(3)/sin(inc))); //Theta_4=AngleZero2Pi(-acos(ThetaUnitVect(3)/sin(inc))); //ThetaSet1=round(1000*[Theta_1,Theta_2])/1000; //Quesion as above //ThetaSet2=round(1000*[Theta_3,Theta_4])/1000; //[val,ia,ib]=intersect(ThetaSet1,ThetaSet2); //Quesion as above //Theta=ThetaSet1(ia); //Quesion as above //ArgPeri=Theta-TrueAnom; //If I could figure out the above, this might make sense! //some stuff will go here to draw the elipse/orbits. I'll tackle that later, after I make sense of the rest. void FixedUpdate() { //Get every object GameObject[] Objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Star"); //This runs too often. Extract to Start() later to optimize. // *** Am I right that the amount of 'Star' objects don't change while playing? In that case it might be a good idea to only // *** search for them once and put the result into an array. //the gravity between each couple of object is calculated foreach (GameObject ObjectA in Objects) { foreach (GameObject ObjectB in Objects) // *** Two nested loops are bad if there are a lot of objects because they need a runtime of (number of objects)^2. // *** You can do this when you know the number of objects stays small. { //Objects must not self interact if (ObjectA == ObjectB) continue; ApplyGravity(ObjectA.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(), ObjectB.GetComponent<Rigidbody>()); //should store these GetComponents, they run too often. // *** Same as above. If the objects don't get replaced during play, store them into a property or something like that to avoid using the methods. } } } If you want to understand what you are calculating then read a book about the prediction calculation of an orbit. Whoever wrote the MATLAB code did the same thing. A lot of that stuff is weird for me, too.
  17. The amazing thing is it easily withstands 10000°C. There's no other material which comes close to it. Most just vaporize at that temperature! It is also among the best heat insulators. Also this: (source)Btw, it is unknown if Starlite ablates. Nobody knows for sure. I still can't decide my opinion on the whole thing. The inventor (R.I.P.) behaved like a scammer but on the other hand the test with lasers etc. were done by reputable organisations: British Atomic Weapons Establishment, Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, White Sands atomic weapons testing site and even NASA thinks it's legit. But the properties of Starlite still sound too good to be true. It it really isn't a hoax then it will be _the_ prefered material for high-temperature enviroments (inside reactors & engines, use as a heat shield, etc.). Dependeing on how difficult and costly it is to make it could even make all other insulators and heat shield materials obsolete.
  18. The calculation appears to be correct. A negative value at the end means there's no umbra. It becomes clear when calculating the length of the umbra: That's 10.4 million meters or Megameters. The Mun orbits Kerbin at a distance of 11 Megameters. That means it can never cause a total solar eclipse and that's the reason why there'll no umbra on the surface of Kerbin.
  19. *gasp* You don't need a GIS and you don't need a cloud service. Just KISS All you need are an image with the basic layout of the cemetery and the data about the people burried in each grave. From that you can compile two new images a) for the staff an image with all the data about the burried people (because they need to know that) for website visitors an image with marked (colored) unoccupied graves and nothing more. (not all family members want the name of their deceased beloved put into the public - even if the name can be seen of a grave stone)
  20. Der Standard is an Austrian newspaper. And they wrote on derstandard.at (I'm serious, I double-checked!): - The Falcon 9 has a height of 90 meters and a diameter of 30 meters *68.4 meters & 3.7 meters* --- They changed it to 90 meters & 3 meters now *closer but still not right* - It has wings *gridfins* - It attempted landing on a barge with a size of 91 x 170 meters *91.4 x 51.8 meters* I'm still investigating what they smoked. I don't care if you round numbers but almost all of them where made up.
  21. I didn't do calculations but wouldn't it be faster to use a propulsion system with a fast acceleration instead of one with a higher top speed? I mean a chemical rocket can accelerate to high speeds within minutes or hours while an ion engine needs months or years to do the same. For example the New Horizons probe which is on its way to Pluto traversed Saturn's orbit after about 2.3 or 2.4 years after launch. That isn't far from your projected 2.2 years of your ion probe. If they used a bigger rocket New Horizons would have been even faster. It's ok. I didn't feel offended.
  22. I think you got something wrong. MKV is just a container format like MPG and AVI. The used codec (for example H.264, MPEG 4, VP9) defines how much MB per minute you can get.
  23. I think the discussion goes offtopic. A nuclear war wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread. What do you think about "international airspace" between space and the territorial airspace? I mean something analogue to international waters where you can basically do whatever you want without asking. Should there be something like that? I'm especially thinking about the sad end of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 over the Ukraine.
  24. You don't need to attach a giant dish to the spacehip. Your scenario appears to be in the near future so you can just declare there's some awesome spacemagical technology which allows to shrink antennas to matchstick size. You can also make the antenna (seamlessly) retractable. If you want to show your viewers that the rover <-> satellite communication kicks in you can just display a quick antenna unfolding animation. This will help your audience to understand what's going on. I also noticed there's a lot of symmetries. Depending on the point of view the audience might not be able to tell where the front and the back are. Yes, I know our eyes like clear patterns but they also need something which doesn't fit into the pattern to "grab" on as an orientation point. And another thing which was mentioned before: The solar panels aren't enough to power that thing. If my calculations are right at Saturn they will only produce 1% (!) of the power than they do at Earth. The panels as they currently are won't even be able to power the computers on-board. Unfortunately this time you can't invent some spacemagic to compensate for that. The best solar panels have an efficienty of about 30%. At impossible 100% you might be able to power the computers but nothing else (communication, propulsion, sensors, etc.). So what will you do? Increase the panels to the size of a football field? Or slap some RTGs (nuclear batteries) on it? Or something different?
  25. Interesting project! Just a quick question: How is that spaceship supposed to communicate with Earth? I mean it seems your movie is based on the Cassini-Huygens mission. Cassini has a 4 meter high-gain antenna and a 50(?) cm low-gain antenna (not visible in the picture). I can't see any antenna in your sketch.
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