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Everything posted by Starstrider42

  1. This sounds like you have some parts too close to the hatch, and your kerbal is clipping into them while leaving. Can you post a screenshot?
  2. The science lab is irrelevant. It sounds like you have RC-L01 probe core. That's the only part that should create a second control center.
  3. Bug report: I'm getting the 6 G's ribbon when doing a spacewalk. All the spacewalks in question were from a part-heavy space station, but there don't seem to be any other common factors. Could these be transient forces rearing their ugly heads? I am using KJR, if that matters.
  4. Technically, prograde/retrograde is always defined relative to the rotation of the planet. However, since all planets in KSP have zero axial tilt, the distinction doesn't actually come up.
  5. The mod is supposed to add "Experimental Science" as a new technology right after Advanced Science Tech.
  6. Sometimes you can send up an EVA and force the dish from outside. In general, though, no.
  7. Actually, three KSO satellites will be 6 Mm apart, so no super robotics will help you. Either place four satellites, or lower the orbit (in RemoteTech, there's no benefit to a stationary orbit other than roleplaying), or use the DTS-M1 dishes as Nathair describes. The Communotron 32 is still useful in your configuration, though, since it nicely covers low orbit and Kerbin's surface.
  8. lumpman2's got it right. You're getting problems with excessive drag on your lander. A fairing can help with that. Just make sure to edit the fairing higher up on the staging list, as the default value will separate the fairing while drag's still a big problem -- I've gotten flipovers from something as simple as a dish antenna while still 30 km up.
  9. By any chance, did you assemble the ship by attaching the top three ports, followed by the bottom three ports, followed by the 3-adapter on the bottom? KSP vehicles can't have any loops of connected parts, so I'm pretty sure your whole ship was being held together by the docking port on the lower left. The other two ports were attached only to the docking port above them, and not to the adapter below them. Not sure about the best way to prevent this. I'm assuming you don't have access to a senior docking port if you're doing this trick in the first place, and since detached ship parts can't be edited in the VAB, I can't think of an easy way to force the docking ports to be attached to the lower adapter. Maybe if you made the station module the first part, then added the capsule to the top? I'm pretty sure fuel tanks can be used as roots...
  10. A couple of things to check: 1. Are you using the Reflectron DP-10 (the only omni antenna that won't break off during launch)? If you're using another antenna, did you turn it on by right-clicking on it in either the VAB or the launch pad? 2. I'm not familiar with RSS, but I think I heard that it moves your launch site. If you go into map view, is the red dot (RemoteTech's location for KSC) anywhere near where your rocket is? EDIT: If your launch clamp is working, it's probably not #2. But you might check anyway.
  11. Yay, finally a tool that lets you plan gravity assists! One question/complaint, though: in the flyby planner, is there a way to abort the calculation? Some of the problems I've given it got stuck at the "Finding feasible initial positions" window, presumably because the transfer I wanted wasn't actually possible. Unfortunately, that meant I had to kill the entire program before I could try again.
  12. There aren't any formulas (for the reasons the other posters have mentioned, that it really depends on your exact trajectory through the atmosphere), but I've found the map at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/41652-A-more-accurate-delta-v-map very helpful. It includes typical launch delta-V's for all planets and moons.
  13. Once you've removed (or transmitted) the data, you need to right-click on the lab and click "clean experiments". One click is enough for all empty one-use experiments. In the real world, yes. In KSP, it rewards you for doing something more challenging than unmanned one-way probes -- either manned missions, or automated return missions.
  14. Umm, that's not an in-flight role, that's ground support.
  15. Yes, the mobile lab only affects components on the same ship (and, for most purposes, KSP counts two docked ships as one). But the experiments don't actually have to be adjacent to the lab, if that's what you're asking -- anywhere on the ship is fine.
  16. Have your Kerbin satellites target a dish at the Mun. From your video, it looks like all your dishes are pointed at Kerbin.
  17. I was actually wondering about how we're supposed to use the specialization ribbons. "Engineer" and "Scientist" are pretty self-explanatory, but what exactly was "Operations" supposed to mean? I've been using it to flag kerbals who fill a piloting role, but I'm not sure that's the original intent. EDIT: aha, they were first proposed earlier on this thread:
  18. Ok, then forget my previous advice. New advice: don't use boosters unless you really need the TWR, they'll just increase your dry mass. Use vertical staging instead.
  19. This sounds like your boosters are running out of fuel at about the same time as one of your "main" stages (you can check this in Kerbal Engineer; it's the last column on the full display). That means that the boosters+stage act basically as one slightly heavier and less efficient stage (solid rockets have lower I_sp than liquid ones) rather than as two separate stages. Try rearranging the staging so that the main stage only turns on after the boosters have been dropped away, and see if that still gives you good TWR. In my experience, solid boosters are often overpowered, so they may be able to support your rocket by themselves.
  20. Agreed. Titles like these are way more in line with the spirit of the original game. Just make sure to include "FamousConsiderably Less Famous Rocket Scientist" on the list. EDIT: I realized that von Kerman doesn't seem the type who likes competition.
  21. I'm pretty sure this is actually an issue with stock KSP -- whenever you multidock, the game only docks you at one point even if it *looks* like they're all aligned.
  22. Now that sounds like a bug or a corrupted install. In RemoteTech, dishes are not supposed to auto-open, ever.
  23. Is there a way to edit the changes made by addModule.cfg using ModuleManager instead of editing the file directly? I tried both @PART[smallRadialEngine]:HAS[KASModuleGrab]:Final and @GRAB[*]:HAS[#stockPartName[smallRadialEngine]], but neither seems to work. Specifically, I'm trying to remove the light engines and fuel tanks from KAS. But anything I try seems to have no effect. EDIT: exactly what I'm doing for module removal: @PART[smallRadialEngine]:HAS[KASModuleGrab]:Final { !MODULE[KASModuleGrab] {} } !GRAB[*]:HAS[#stockPartName[smallRadialEngine]] {} Neither works.
  24. Have you been changing RemoteTech versions or making tweaks to the antennas? That's the only thing I've seen cause it.
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