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Everything posted by depp18

  1. Hey, is it just me or do none of the parts for Kerbalism show up in the SPH or VAB? I can only seem to find them when I go to the 'Tech level' category when building. Please help!
  2. Hey, I might appear as a newb (which I am, don't take me wrong), but is there any way to fix the rings on Saturn appearing like this? http://prntscr.com/gw52sv Thanks!
  3. Thanks, that helped so much! also turns out that i had an old module manager, thanks again!
  4. so I've had this glitch with the JSI RasterPropMonitor, it would show up a few textures when i zoom up, including a kerbal's suit, i have texture replacer on but i'm not sure if that's why, if it is can someone provide a solution? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-105-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0241-30-november-2015/&page=27#comment-2318177
  5. I keep getting this bug, can anyone help solve it? http://imgur.com/e4kplVY
  6. THANKS ALOT!!!! You really helped me, now I can enjoy the beautiful skyboxes for KSP!
  7. Hey, I want to know where you get the Universe replacer skybox from, and how to download it. It's been giving me a headache for a day now and I'm really confused.
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