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Everything posted by thecommabandit

  1. I tried both updating and uninstalling Texture Replacer, no change there for either. I originally had V2 installed alongside V1 (I didn't read the notes, typically) and while I had both panels, the V1 instance was fine and the V2 instance was like it is now. The only KSPAlternateResourcePanel.dll file in my KSP directories is one dated 2/18/2014, which is the one in the V2 zip file. So no progress there. Could it be something to do with Texture Compressor?
  2. I've been using your mod for a while and enjoying it, but I upgraded from 1.2.10 to recently and got a weird issue: http://imgur.com/pPB7gfS I've completely removed the mod then re-installed it but it's still the same. Any idea what could be causing it?
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