I'm having a major problem with the M700 scanner on my modded game that I can't reproduce with stock backup. When I get my rocket to about 5000 meters my scanner disappears and the camera shifts behind the craft. I still will have full control of the rocket but altf12 will start calling my debris and f3 saids every thing is fine . I've tried in many different configurations of both rockets and satellites with the same results each time, but if I take off the scanner it flies just fine. When I started to try to figure out what was doing this I took out all the USI mods thinking I could knock a big chunk all at once and ran the game and sure of enough the rocket flew fine no problems. The next thing I did was put back in the 000usitools and CRP and Regolith with no other USI mods in and it acted up again so figure it was CRP or Regolith messing with some other mods that I got or maybe I did something wrong. The other mods that got are [ Better Science Labs Continued , ContractConfigurator , CustomBarnKit , DMagicOrbitalScience , EVE + SVE , FieldExperience , FS , KER , LETech , MissionControllerEC , ModRocketSys , RealChute , scatterer , SpaceY-Lifters , Strategia , WaypointManager , WiderContractsApp and the MM the came with USI. If anybody can help me or point me the right direction that would be very appreciated by me. and btw it did this both 1183 and the 1196
here is my output log
And BTW thank you RoverDude for all the hard work that you put into these mods.
Thank you