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Everything posted by renejant

  1. yes but i dont want to rescale my game, only change the visuals of the game...
  2. Have looked at it and yep that was what i was using back then... downloading now
  3. Hi there guys... Im in search of a skybox that makes the universe looks more real but without rescaling it... I've looked at the Real solar system mod but i dont know if its suitable for me taste, seeing its quite an huge mod i believe... Couple of years back, raredens made a mod with replaced the default skybox with realistic looking universe by just simply replacing the textures the games uses... Still got mod laying around on my harddrive but i don't know if its still compatible with the current game version... So if anyone can guide me into the right direction in what kind of mod i need or how to do this, please tell me... because i've been out of the game for quite awhile, only sometimes playing
  4. are there any updates conforming this modd? seeing this thread hasn't been updated since semptember?
  5. Is there still ongoing development of this mod? Because i just love this mod! Question; is there a modder out there who wants to adapt the round docking plate to give a small graphical arrow on the sides? So to see on which side u have point the plate... The current one is quite confusing as hell, because when i try to dock to them, i always end up on the wrong side of the round docking plate, which is quite frustrating as you have to go back and figure out how to mount it properly, taking up alot of time :S If there's someone who could do this, i can provide a sample picture later to show what is wanted... Nevermind, i just found out what i was doing wrong with them... So the question isn't relevant anymore Anyways, i would love if this mod would be continue'd for ongoing development... Its brilliant and has endless possibillities! It still works for the 0.23 update so its still relevant...
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