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  1. A voltmeter. You'd only zap yourself badly if you're sticking it in mains socket or the current is like 200A, and you have wet hands, and the cables are bare, and your voltmeter is actually a step up transformer for a power station.
  2. You mean KSPTV streamers yes? Just go in KSPTV chat and type !mods and Nightbot will give you the link.
  3. They haven't made it thinner, just the atmosphere isn't made from soup anymore. Pre 1.0 all parts had massive amounts of drag applied to them via the drag calculation, but now that has changed so it works a lot better and smarter.
  4. It's because the LV-909 = Master Race. Nothing can beat it. NOTHING!
  5. Biased poll is biased! That's like asking someone: do they want chicken with chips or do they not want chicken without chips. Plus we all know the every poll needs a Banana option...
  6. A dead Krackin? Never even heard of one of those, let alone that there was one in KSP. The only dead thing in KSP that I know of is the dead Kraken on [REDACTED].
  7. I say carry Ore; the main reason is because you can make the fuel you need on demand; as you may need LF, LFO or MP you either need a ship that carries all 3 (which has tank weight waste) or 3 separate ships (which means extra parts and extra piloting) that can go into orbit if you convert on the surface. Carrying Ore to convert in orbit. means you need 1 vessel that carries just Ore (plus its fuel, but that's seperate). Also, you could say it's easier to land a miner without a converter as it will be 4.2t lighter. Plus heat management will be easier as you don't have the drills and converter on the same craft.
  8. Load on Demand. There is still plenty of optimisation needing doing on this game and that's one that's perfectly possible.
  9. No, Hard or even Super Hard (with everything apart from penalties turned off or to 10%) isn't hard, it's just super grindy; Hard doesn't make it harder, it just makes it take longer. More time =/= More difficulty.
  10. I usually completely avoid the Mun now; I've landed there there too many times in the past, now it's boring. In my current 0.25 save the Mun is the only object in the entire solar system that doesn't have anything in orbit or its surface (apart from a flag); my new career I haven't even been there; I will only go there if I NEED the science and can't get it from an
  11. How would it be balanced? It wouldn't. People can't agree if the Dawn Ion is OP or not; if this thruster is any better than it it's OP and any worse and it's gonna be useless.
  12. I agree, only mod that should become stock now is Load on Demand. Nearly everything else should just be left to be done by mods, as then people that don't want that mod or want to save on RAM can just not install them. Plus half these stock implementations of mods seem to be worse than the original mod...
  13. I always liked the Sentar system (from planet factory); it's super inclined orbit kinda sucks but it has some cool moons around it! Skelton (based on Duna) is great because of the HUGE mountain on its surface; Erin (base on Laythe) has some really cool swamp-like terrain, and it's own cool Micro-Moon Pock; Ringle is a bit of a pain as its very similar to Tylo, but being in orbit is fun because you can get some great views! And then there's Thud... We don't talk about Thud...
  14. To continue playing my main save on 0.25. 1.0 really doesn't affect me; I'll try it of course, and if the new aero is actually good enough to "replace" FAR I'll actually keep playing it; but if not I'm not gonna play it properly until there is 1.0 update for FAR
  15. The only thing I think needs changing about the LES is to give it a bit more fuel, maybe 30-35 units instead of the stock 15, just to make sure it can get the pod away from the launch stage. I have the Stock Rebalance Mod (albeit a heavily modified version of it), which does this already; it also puts a decoupler built into it (not activated by staging) so you can decouple it with right click or action groups, but I always use the docking port trick as mentioned above, so it isn't really needed.
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