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Björn Eberhardt

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Everything posted by Björn Eberhardt

  1. I think, 10k Vacuum dV is sufficient to go to LEO from surface for an average Eve-optimized craft, as long as the TWR remains at some magic value above 1 during flight (which is the case for the two crafts from the screenshots).
  2. I was looking at the highlighted numbers of Galahir950's version of the Delta-V map and don't understand why Kerbin-Eve is not marked as the least Delta-V requirement, but has instead the whole 11750 m/s highlighted. From LKO, you only need to scratch the athmosphere of Eve to get from a hyperbolic to an elliptical, a circularized orbit and then slowly descend into the athmosphere. With 4340 m/s, that is even slightly less than a landing on Minmus, if I am not mistaken.
  3. Using xenon engines and tons of solar panels are actually a bad solution - discovered it the hard way after three earth days of construction and flying. As I need the research points, my last mission is to put the ship in a stable orbit and escort it with a backup mission...
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