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Everything posted by AlexinTokyo

  1. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
  2. "If you can read this you're too close to my Sphere of Influence" "What happens on Eve, stays on Eve" Also, I think Alshain's sig would make a pretty good T-shirt.
  3. It's worth noting that there is a display bug with the antenna bandwidth readout in the VAB (I'm fairly sure it wasn't fixed in 1.0.x) where the speed defined in seconds per packet is given as packets per second. This makes the base whip antenna appear to have the best bandwidth, whereas in fact (as Eric S' experiment shows) it actually has the worst. I personally fin that using the whip antenna gets tedious for probes or ships using any experiment above about the CC Seismometer, so I tend to equip later-game probes with the dish (it looks so cool anyway) and enough batteries to transmit at least one of the largest experiments on board solely from stored power.
  4. Note that you can (and should) check whether your ship fulfills all the requirements regarding power, antennae and other add ons while the ship is on the launch pad. That way if you've forgotten anything you can simply revert (or recover at no loss, if playing with no reverts) and add whatever you've forgotten.
  5. In (rough) order of importance to me: KER KAC Precise Node Trajectories Docking Port Alignment Indicator K2 Command Pod Interplanetary Transfer Window Planner SCANsat EVE
  6. Not at my KSP PC, so going from memory here. Caveat Lector. ÃŽâ€v readouts in KER are given as Current Stage/Total at Current Stage, so you can tell how much you have and each individual stage's contribution. For an example (simplified) Mun mission: S0 - 2,000/7,200 - Lander/Return vehicle has 2,000 m/s ÃŽâ€v, and the entire stack combined has 7,200 m/s S1 - 1,500/5,200 - Transfer stage has 1,500 m/s ÃŽâ€v, for a total of 5,200 m/s. S2 - 1,500/3,700 - Second (orbital insertion) stage has 1,500 m/s ÃŽâ€v, bringing the total to 3,700 m/s. S3 - 2,200/2,200 - Launch/boost stage has 2,200 m/s ÃŽâ€v. You may find that it skips some stage numbers (for example if you have a decoupler and the engine to fire after decoupling it in different stages), and it follows the KSP convention of the final staging event to fire being "stage 0". Regarding the seemingly strange behaviour of the ÃŽâ€v in each stage, that you describe, it's very hard to say exactly what's causing it without a picture of the rocket (which is there, but I can't see it as imgur is blocked at work). However, especially with complex staging, the correct numbers can be quite counter-intuitive. I'd suggest starting with a few small, simple launches (single stage, two-stage serial, central stack with boosters, etc.) to get used to how the numbers are displayed, and to get a bit of a feel for what they mean, in terms of capability. When starting out, I also found it very useful to calculate the ÃŽâ€v by hand and compare it to KER's results, which forces a check of (sometimes basic) assumptions when the results disagree. As Slashy said, however, the maths may not be for everyone.
  7. Just a quick addition: when your graphics program says layers can't be used in png format, it most likely means to warn you that if you continue to save as a png, the layer information will be lost, should you ever want to edit it again. Since you do want to lose the layer information (as png doesn't support it) you should continue to save, ignoring that warning. You may also, of course, want to save a copy in Firealpaca's native format, with the layers, in case you do ever want to edit it again.
  8. OP of the mod's thread says that parachute deployment is an action-group-capable action of the pod's propulsion unit. If that's not working try a reinstall; if it's still duff after that you might need to look at conflicts with other mods, or you might need to file a bug report with the mod's author.
  9. Loving this part It really bridges the gap between the one- and three-kerbal pods. One request, could you throw a mod (part?) version number in the OP of this thread? I don't use enough mods to make dealing with automagic management tools worth it to learn, but I do like to check for updates every now and again. Apologies if there is one but I've just completely missed it.
  10. Yes. You have to make sure that the booster is actually attached to the decoupler, not radially attached to the central stack. Since the boosters attach where the mouse pointer is (approximately the CoM), you need to make sure this is over the decoupler. Especially with the longer SRBs, I always make sure to double check that there is the expected distance between the boosters and the stack. If you want to position the boosters further up or down relative to the decoupler than you can when placing it (either for aesthetic reasons or to adjust behaviour on separation), you can shift them up or down with the offset gizmo.
  11. First step should be a complete, clean reinstall of the game. First make a copy of your save game files (they should reside in the 'saves' folder of your KSP install, but I'm not sure of the file/folder structure on a Mac. Put this copy in a safe place. Then delete the KSP root directory entirely. Then go to Steam and download the game again. To eliminate issues at this stage I would then create a new test game and play for a while to ensure that the stock install is not experiencing any problems. After that, try adding your mods back in, one at a time. If the issue suddenly starts again, you should then have a good idea what caused it. Finally, once you're happy that the game's working, move the copy of the save game you made back to its initial location. If this doesn't help (which it should) then you'll need to read this thread and make a post in the support forum. Hope you're able to get it working.
  12. My way of doing this (for rockets, I'm not much of a spaceplane person): Display the ACoM (Average CoM) using RCS Build Aid. Place the RCS thrusters in order to minimise translation torque at ACoM. Check the maximum RCS torque at CoM and DCoM. Ensure that the vessel has sufficient non-RCS torque (i.e. reaction wheels, command pods) to overcome this max RCS torque.
  13. It may be worth noting that quicksaving still works even when quickloading is disabled in the difficulty options. So it is possible to play with no quickloads/reverts and still keep quicksaves for insurance against Kraken attacks and other bugs. You can restore to a quicksave by renaming the file to persistent.sfs and starting the game normally.
  14. Posting here to flag this for further investigation (when I'm not at work ) Been thinking I needed a Gemini-like pod for a while now.
  15. IRL rocket thrust varies with ambient pressure, and will indeed drop to zero if ambient pressure is high enough (that is, so high that the engine can no longer force its exhaust out the nozzle). Forum user OhioBob has posted in previous threads about the exact (IRL) relationship between thrust and pressure and between thrust and Isp. I'm on my phone right now, so it might take a while, but I'll try to find you some links. EDIT: Here is the link to a post by OhioBob Try this link (OhioBob's web site) if you really want to go down the mathematical rabbit hole.
  16. I'd recommend alexmoon's KSP transfer window planner, or TriggerAU's ITWP mod (which is basically an in-game implementation). Both of these can generate 'pork-chop' plots for Mun-Minmus transfers, which will allow you to find the correct ejection angle at which to start burning for any given transfer (including high-energy, non-Hohmann ones) If you have trouble using those tools, post back here and I'll see if I can help.
  17. Please tell me this hasn't died and is only in abeyance until something gets sorted? Really looking forward to reading more of it.
  18. For suborbital, I suspect you will have to have an apoapsis within the Mun's SoI. So a direct collision course will not count, because you won't. I could be wrong, though.
  19. Pressing 'B' should activate the brakes, and clicking the brakes button next to the altimeter should set them on permanently (until disengaged). If this doesn't help, then I suspect it's a bug; please try the support forum.
  20. Tourists can't be EVAed, but they can be transferred between seats on the same vessel. So you won't have to transport their pods home with the klaw, just connect another ship to the pod using the claw and then transfer the tourist through the klaw into the new ship. *Caveat: this worked in 0.90.0. I'm not sure whether the ability to transfer kerbals through pipes meant for fuel was patched out in 1.0
  21. You can see satellite-contract orbits and survey-contract waypoints in the tracking station before accepting the contracts. I do think it would be nice if you could see them without having to leave Mission Control, enter the tracking station, leave the tracking station, and reenter Mission Control, though.
  22. Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley "Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!" ETA: I am assuming here.
  23. I was starting to get used to the quirks of the 1.0 atmosphere when 1.0.2 dropped (I missed 1.0.1 completely). I haven't noticed a big change in the ÃŽâ€v to launch, but I haven't really been pushing the envelope yet, either, and even the same design is showing large variance due to piloting issues. Although I must say I'm loving 1.0.2 parachutes; they feel somewhat realistic for the first time ever. However, I do think that atmospheric heating has been turned down too low. I just deorbited a piece of debris (LV-909 'Terrier', mostly-empty FL-T400 tank, and spent TR-18A decoupler). 77 x 24 km orbit, totally uncontrolled. I expected it to burn up and explode in the atmosphere, but it didn't. The instant before it splashed down (at about 149 m/s) the debug thermal data indicated that no part was over 385 K. It's better than when the Science Jr. would explode from residual launch-heat after exiting the atmosphere, but it probably does need to be tweaked back up again. Admittedly, this was with the difficulty setting at 100%; it might be that raising it to 120% (if that's still the max) might resolve this. I just haven't had time to test yet. Note: I don't do planes at all, so can't comment on that area.
  24. @Bizz, Are you setting the build engineer view to 'Atmospheric' in the VAB? Since 1.0 engine thrust varies with altitude (and the 'Terrier' has a big spread. It's really not designed to be used as an atmospheric lifter engine). KER (at least for me) does report the correct, very-low thrust and TWR if set to atmospheric mode. If you're looking a vacuum mode, particularly for that engine, the numbers will be way off.
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