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Everything posted by MrOnak

  1. Yeah his navball is awesome! Well, I'll do without for now... there's always room for an extension
  2. if (digitalRead(SASPIN)) { MainControls(SAS, LOW); digitalWrite(SASLEDG,HIGH); } else { MainControls(SAS, HIGH); digitalWrite(SASLEDG,HIGH); }
  3. Thanks scoundrel! In the middle console on the bottom half will be a keyboard (those round markings) which will allow me to program the microcontroller to display whatever metrics I want on the displays above that (the not-yet-cut-out squares above the keyboard). So depending on situation, I'll display the altimeter readout on one of those. The display consists of 3x5-digit displays, 2x8-digit displays as well as 3 bargraphs.
  4. Holes are drilled and I did an initial fitting test. I really love how well the dibond can be worked with. Unfortunatelly the only place I can do the drilling is outside and it is getting really cold now, rest will have to be done one of these days.
  5. Things have been cut The front will be covered with a 1mm aluminium sheet when everything is finished.
  6. Switches and buttons are tough to get really cheap but there are loads of reliable vendors from China on ebay that usually sell without shipping costs. It takes time to get the stuff though, thats the only downside.
  7. HO-LY CRAP It is beautiful. @Mulbin: I owe you big time. Deciding to go for aliminium dibond is entirely your fault. Plan for this weekend: Cut out the three individual panels, and drill all holes without screwing this up.
  8. Having Atlas LVs in KSP would be really really useful, so yeah... I'd love to see that happen
  9. I just placed an order To be printed on 3mm Aluminium Dibond (thanks Mulbin ), due to arrive on Friday. EXCITEMEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNT
  10. Hey Steven Thanks for the info - but I'm watching your github Although I didn't have time to contribute actively to kOS in waaaaay too long I'm quite aware of all the neat things that have happened. Can't wait to extend my DSKY logic to fetch the data I can't get from KSPSerialIO through kOS and run that launch profile in hardware. Hype train gallore - - - Updated - - - Oooooh crap. Just saw this... I really need to get the YAKK built and the coding finalized now
  11. I wish you good luck! I do like the keyboard keys that OneWheeledPanda got in his thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100869-Building-a-Simpit - they're white with a removable clear cover so you could put labels underneath. Unfortunatelly I haven't been able to find them at a reasonable price.
  12. Oh please keep us posted on the progress on those translucent caps! One of the things I'm not too happy about on the YAKK Mk 1 is the labelling of the DSKY keys, translucent buttons would solve that in a Mk 1.1
  13. Progress is still going slowly due to rarely being home :-/ However after being heavily inspired by Mulbins fantastic simpit panel I've begun to finalize my button layout for the YAKK Mk. I and I wanted to a) share this with you all and gather some feedback whether things are missing. (click for a larger version) On the left panel you find (top to bottom): - ACTION GROUPS: 10 pushbuttons - FLIGHT CTRL: 6 momentary switches for: SAS, RCS, brakes, gear, vehicle lights, and the EVA "grab" function - 6 analogue inputs for pitch, yaw, roll and the engine throttle - 1 pushbutton to toggle fine control - 2 joystick buttons (as of now, unassigned) - 1 pushbutton for staging The middle panel contains the DSKY unit and the infolights. The keyboard will program various things but mostly control what is shown on the 7-segment LED panels and the bar graphs. On the right panel you find (top to bottom): - SAS CTRL: 10 pushbuttons and status LEDs for the SAS autopilot functions - AUXILIARY: 12 pushbuttons for: toggle solar panels, arm parachutes (realchutes), perform science, toggle comms antenna (remotetech), camera view (hullcam), open terminal (kOS), screenshot, toggle UI, toggle flight statistics, toggle labels, quicksave, quickload - SUPPORT: 6 (on) off (on) momentary switches for: EVA light & trim, zoom in&out, timewarp up&down, next&prev vessel, map view & change focus, IVA view & cycle camera view - 1 pushbutton for ABORT - 1 momentary rocker switch for RCS lateral fwd/aft - 1 joystick button, unassigned - 2 analogue axis for RCS lateral up/down, left/right I do have a port for a single pushbutton left over, as well as 4 joystick buttons which are unassigned, so if you can think of anything that's missing, let me know
  14. Well there is Nasalization for the generic NASA font, not sure if you meant that one of course. Personally I'll go with the Futurama Bold font though, it just seems to work better in the sizes I'm looking at.
  15. Cool, thanks a lot you two. 3mm was what I was thinking although I won't be able to measure how much thread my switches / buttons have until tomorrow. But I figure I can always drill a bigger hole halfway through from the back to compensate for short screw threading. Cool... back to Inkscape this weekend it seems
  16. Kegan is right, you definitely don't need a Leonardo for USB HID stuff (I had my coffee now ) - I'm personally using the same chip that's on the Uno (different from the one on the Leonardo) for USB HID. See the V-USB link above.
  17. That is definitely the way to go Mulbin. My plan to use printed stickers for the cover went out of the window with your picture, I'll use Dibonds as well. Could you tell me what thickness your board has please? Thanks in advance! Funny thing, ordering a printed Dibond is actually cheaper than ordering a printed sticker over here. God knows why.
  18. For an microcontroller-driven USB HID, go here: http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/index.html . As far as the Arduino family of microcontroller boards is concerned I believe the Leonardo might be a better choice than the Uno since it seems to allow USB HID more or less natively. But please check your facts, my memory on that is sketchy at best of times and I didn't have my morning coffee yet . I'm using it to emulate a joystick/keyboard combination, a mouse is much easier. But If I remember correctly there's a mod called KerbTrack or something similar that enables TrackIR and other headtrackers in KSP. Of course you want something slightly different but it might nonetheless be a good start. Found it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73184-0-90-KerbTrack-Head-tracking-using-your-webcam-TrackIR-Oculus-Rift-%282014-10-16%29
  19. OOoooooOOOOooh shiney! Very nice indeed. What thickness is the dibond?
  20. I'll definitely look into that then, thanks. But having autopilot keybinds native in KSP would be great, regardless (to get back on topic
  21. @Diazo, thanks actually for mentioning your mods . So the game would trigger these extended action groups after it receives a keypress or combination of keypresses? Reason I'm asking is my YAKK Mk-1 hardware controller which adds a hell of a lot of buttons bound to "ordinary" key presses from a USB keyboard. So anything that the game recognizes as a keyboard input means I can wire my controller to do it, but I can't make it click a UI element.
  22. Alt+1, Alt-2, ..., Alt-0 would work, Alt being the modifier key obviously
  23. Not sure whether this is the right subforum for this but are keybindings for the autopilot functions introduced in 0.90 planned for a future release? It feels a bit odd to have to click on the icons for those while everything else is bound to keys. If anyone knows, I'd be glad to know
  24. Question: Has anyone here tried printing the labels including the background color for the whole panel in the form of a giant sticker? Printing services exist, it's not that expensive, weather-proof variants are available (sweat and all that) and it might look much better than those laser-printed decals that are available, hence the question
  25. That looks very ..... Those sticks man... those sticks...
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