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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. For some reason that works now, except the packrat seat is invisible as a drag n drop in the VAB/SPH, a mouseover the slot in storage inventory will show the text for it, but the icon doesn't show.
  2. I'm having an issue. I can't get the parts to go into the KIS containers. I'm click/hold/dragging them onto the open inventory of a KIS container to no avail.
  3. AH, good to know. Thank you. I'll be patient and wait for the update before I start sending out refueling depots.
  4. I'm having an issue with the snacks mod in the VAB. I haven't tried SPH. However the attachment points aren't working. I'm able to attach an inline to the bottom of another module but not the top and nothing to the bottom of the inline snacks module.
  5. EDIT: It appears I put PlanetFactory incorrectly in the gamedata folder and let it overwrite the Kerbal Universe files. Will report back I've read through this thread and seem to be missing something. I've installed it in GameData, along with PlanetFactory. ? - which files do I need to delete from PlanetFactory? ? - How do I see these other star systems? What am I missing?
  6. In Part Five we see Bill become a Munar Hero and Jeb continue in his antics. Bob hasn't been seen for a week or so and rumors are circulating. Reports that he's been locked in his lab and requesting lots of snacks are starting to show as true.
  7. After the near miss of an asteroid, Kongress has stepped in to push the KSA with some new guidance: Establish a viable Off World Colony outside the Kerbin SOI. Additionally, there wasn't much extra funding available since the Olympiks were on so the KSA would have to do with what they had to keep costs down. Which meant: spending less on launches spending less on materials going elsewhere Jeb, Bob, and Bill were each put in charge of different programs. Jeb was set as Head of Research and Development, which included testing all new equipment Bob was in charge of Science Bill was in charge of logistics (this will get fun for Bob later down the path) Jeb immediately ran off to the VAB and rolled a strange looking rocket out to the pad. Before anyone could say anything he launched! As Mission Control jabbered away ineffectively, Bob poured over the blueprints of Jebs craft. "Bill, take a look at this. What do you think that is?" "I have no idea, what's inside the fairing?" "No clue there either" chimed Bob "I really hope he knows what he's doing and has a good explanation when he returns..." "Think he'll return?" "He always does. Why stop now?" A short while later, Jeb shed the fairings from his craft and the mystery deepened. Some sort of device sat inside and began to unfurl. After deploying the device, Jeb unceremoniously decoupled, set the auto pilot for deorbit and decided to take a short nap. While in the middle of a pleasant dream involving snacks and bouncy rockets Jeb woke up and said "Oh this looks fun" After his return, Jeb was forced to take a short vacation studying ice at the poles. When asked about the device, he merely replied "Trust me, I've got this". Meanwhile Bob made some headway on his new directive by sending probes to study the Mun and Minmus some more. The next logical step was to go to the Mun, which he did. Nothing exciting about this trip, except the part where the lander fell over, but he managed to set it right after rolling around a bit in the Mun Dust. Bob came back a hero with tons of new science to bolster the Space Program! The KSA used their new funding to round off the tech tree some more, unlocking some exciting new parts! Bob and Bill were able to get a nice little test satellite in orbit with some new science parts before Jeb got returned from the Artic. As soon as Jeb arrived, he started mixing and matching parts on the launchpad much to everyone's amusement. Then to everyone's astonishment, he rolled out another version of his 'plane' invention and on less fuel than a lander, got into orbit. It was decided that another trip to the Mun was necessary so an identical Mun Rocket was rolled out to the pad. Meanwhile, that strange device floated silently above Kerbin.
  8. That Action Group Manager is exactly what I've been looking for! Thank you
  9. Highlights: New science tech! Bob controls a satellite from the new Probe Control Room Jeb flies a 'plane' Jeb discovers something With all the recent discovers and progress the KSA has been awarded even more funding from Kongress. There's was much rejoicing and a few snacks. While Bob launched a new test satellite outfitted with some new science instruments, Jeb set to work on his invention, the 'plane.' Bob liked to mention that Vessel View was a nice touch in the Probe Control Room. He also wondered aloud about the strange red dots on the map view. Bill said they were 'anomalies.' Bob said we should check those out sometime! Jeb managed to get his new plane off the ground and discovered something new. At press time, new science data was still pouring in from the test satellite.
  10. Highlights: Jeb decided to show off his new invention, the 'plane.' He didn't check his staging very well. Second launch he made it to his destination but the craft rolled onto the hatch and he couldn't get out. Partial mission failure. Jeb's dad, Jeb Senior, got involved at this point. Jeb Senior showed the Kerbonauts what science was about by launching the first Extra Kerbin craft to collect much needed science from outside the Kerbin SOI. The mission was a success! Mission control even broke out a box of donuts to celebrate. The returned science gave Kongress the proof they needed that the KSA was doing it's job. Kongress awarded more funding. As night fell, the KSA was still deciding on what to spend it on. Jeb kept interrupting with shouts of "JET PACKS!" Bob, who hadn't flown yet, was more worried about being able to land so he opted for landing gear. Bill, the forward thinking one, clamored for more science!
  11. Update: Nothing interesting yet, well maybe the Air Ship.
  12. I've been playing with TAC and MKS among other useful mods. This time I'm adding Interstellar and Infernal Robotics. When I do use MechJeb it's only for things I'm comfortable doing on my own, or the rover autopilot when traveling a long distance (also as a Delta V calculator in the SPH and VAB). Short Term Goals -max out science instruments as quickly as possible -explore Kerbin --includes SCANSat and Kethane scans -Build an SSTO-Asteroid Explorer (for the Science!) Mid Range Goals -fueling, outfitting and supply base on Minmus for the Intra Kerbol Explorer Ship (IKES) -probes to all the planets Long Term Goals (before the end of the month) -Full Scans of all planets --moons are a plus -Complete and Launch the IKES fulling outfitted with MKS, modular for future enhancements, capable of a Grand Tour. -upgrade the IKES in flight with Warp Drive if I can get to it by the end of the month. I'm starting a few days early because I have some days during may where my focus will be elsewhere. Major Mod Focus will be MKS - Modular Kolonization System Stay tuned as this'll speed up!
  13. If you hover over the maneuver node controls and scroll up or down on your mouse wheel it will add/subtract dV from the maneuver vector you're working with, giving you finer control. Now you don't have to click-hold and drag all over the place. For example: -hover over the prograde maneuver node control and scroll wheel up, you will ADD deltaV to the node. Scrolling down will subtract but at a lower rate for finer control. -if you hover over retrograde and do the same it will be the reverse, scrolling up will subtract deltaV in large amounts, scrolling down will add it in finer amounts. You now have the power. Edit: Made a short video demoing
  14. I like your thread so far. What mods are you using? I especially like the internal view from the cupola above.
  15. Tested Cori's settings. I'm an AMD x6 cores in Ubuntu 64 with the same card. There was a definite improvement but not satisfactory. Before the changes, while sitting on the launchpad, the time counter was yellow (meaning low FPS). After changes, it quickly fluctuated between yellow and green. A good sign! After launch of a simple rocket (probe core and a SRB) it quickly went yellow as more Ocean came into view. Then my rocket exploded. While in the position it was I looked around. If I looked straight down with minimal ocean in view the Time counter would flash a little green. When more ocean was in view it would go yellow. Looking straight up goes full green. It's definitely the ocean. I'm wagering it has to do with the transparency of the ocean textures. Does anyone know of a way to disable the transparency?I don't think simply replacing the texture file would work as the game would still try to run images through the transparency filter for the those textures. Make sense?
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