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Everything posted by Meecrob

  1. I've been messing around with orbital stations recently and I'm using 2.5m parts...I've been connecting the modules end to end and constantly adding to them. I'm tired of them maneuvering like the toroidal string mentioned in (I forget which) thread and in the KSP is AWESOME! video due to their length. I tried girders attached radially with Clamp-O-Tron seniors at the girder ends. It works but it vibrates when anything is docked to them. I added struts attached to girders to the outside of the clam o trons, but it looks ugly as sin. Anybody have a better way to stabilize this set up, or even better, let me in on something I might be missing on how to attach clamp o tron seniors radially? Thanks in advance!
  2. Anyone have an issue with KER only giving you data on the first rocket you loaded? As in you load up a 5 stage rocket and everything displays properly, then you decide to load an SSTO and KER gives you the info for the 5 stage rocket? Only way I've been able to fix it is by reloading the game...fine if you are flying one ship for a couple hours, then decide to do something else in the game...its usually about ready to crash anyways, but I'm building two 3-part Duna ships in orbit. I hope I'm doing something wrong, cuz I'd rather trial-and-error it, than reload the game every 10 minutes. Sorry if this has been answered before, but with 75 pages to read..I wanna go to Duna!! Thanks in advance. (edit - spelling)
  3. Well I feel stupid now. I never set the brakes, I just hold the B key except for this one specific time. I gotta say though, thanks for all the help guys, you gave me info that I will most likely need as I further test my rover. LordFjord - Those are the wheels I'm using. I remember problems with placing the wheels onto the I-beams I have for the chassis. Maybe we could turn this thread into a general rover help thread or something? I started off trying to place the I-beams, then the wheels, then figured out its easier to do one I-beam, place the wheel, go to 2x symmetry, place it, then alt-click and place the other two wheels...so much easier. Any other tips you guys have for rovers? Mine is more for landing, hitting F5 and driving around trying to go off jumps and crashing, F9 and repeat. What do you guys do to make your rovers more valuable to a mission rather than just a fun toy?
  4. I am planning a Duna mission with two ships. One with a science lab and lander, the other a refuel station and deployable rover. My problem is that testing the rover on Kerbin, I cannot get it to move using W or S keys. I launch just the rover at the launchpad, drive it down the ramp, then launch a capsule only and walk my Kerbalnaut down to the rover. When I get my Kerbal into the chair, the W and S keys don't work. I tried to "control from here" with my remote guidance unit and still nothing. I'm hoping this is a known issue and I am just wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
  5. When you stop outside a shady liquor store to take a pic in -20*C weather Because you just figured out the Kerbal universe...it's an angry drunk.
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