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Everything posted by WaveFunctionP

  1. I've heard reports of this, but I can't replicate it. Are you using other procedural mods? Have you tried removing the parts from the vessel in the vab and re-placing them?
  2. Usually this is a fuel routing issue, although there is a weird behavior where thermal nozzles are selecting liquid fuel as the default mode for some reason. Otherwise this is an install issue most likely.
  3. Until 64 bit takes off and memory stops being a critical issue, I doubt I will adding extra models just for the looks. Some old models may return in the future, but they would have a unique function, not simply a reskin.
  4. And you say that why? edit: Oh, wait, thats the old version. That is correct.
  5. The ultimate goal is that kspil parts become extensions of the stock power curve and fit within the stock framework even in sandbox to fulfill a niche. It's not there yet, but it's much closer than before. Additionally, another goal is that enough functionality is exposed to allow players tune the parts to fit within other frameworks like RSS/RealFuels or any other variant that a player cares to develop. Noone is saying that other fuel modes and features won't be support in the future, just that the base experience should be balanced against stock and enough extensibility added to allow for players to find the niche they prefer. I am not building MY vision, I am building the "stock vision" and support for "your vision" as well. To do that, I have to clean up what is frankly a mess of code and magic numbers and then to expose the proper functionality to allow players to make their vision happen. Would you like to install isp difficulty slider or RSS and have it just work? Well, that is the future. And while I can't know what fractaluk would have done, I do know that the current code makes such things hard to implement. Probably because I'm not the a very experienced programmer and following fractal's code is difficult as there is very little commenting, but from what I do understand, it is clear to me that there was only ever going to be one kspi. Basicly:
  6. He didn't say anything bad, though he should really check his mail. I've offered to fix his version without changing anything.
  7. It could be an install issue. It's hard to say. Transmitters and relays do not need to be pointed in any particular direction. They are just supposed to automagicly send power to receivers that can see them. You should only need to set the power station to transmit mode, and place relays where they are needed. There still needs to be a chain of sight from the power to the vessel for it to function though. I've found that if you place to the relays too low in orbit, the number of relays that can seen by the vessel can lead to some rather discrete availability of power. I am not happy with the current implementation, it is hard to diagnose problems with the information available, and I am not entire sure that that information is always very accurate. It is hard to say what your problem is without seeing your setup.
  8. I'm sorry that you don't enjoy my version, but I hope you actually played it before making a judgement. However, the upgrades I removed aren't gameplay. They are stat inflation, pure and simple. It's not like the only reason you go up the tech tree is to upgrade, the primary motivation is and has always been to unlock parts. Upgrading isn't all bad, like the quantum vacuum mode or lfo mode for turbojets. And those upgrades will remain for the foreseeable future despite the poor player messaging that upgrades have in the game. I do want to have those upgrades show up as parts in the tech tree or find another solution though.
  9. Reactors, generator and radiator upgrades were removed. Most of the hidden "numbers just get better" type upgrades were removed. Resource consumption hasn't really been tuned in any particular way. I just focused on functionality for this release. Resources related stuff will come in the next major version. AM should be scaling with size just fine.
  10. No worries. I am still concerned this is an actual problem. I don't play with b9, so I would be interested if anyone else has run into this specific issue.
  11. I can't think of a reason why sabres would be specially affected. The heating just counts the number of cooled and non-cooled intakes and spits out a multiplier for heating. I will look into it though.
  12. I didn't intentionally change the art on the gsr. Probably a copy paste error on my part.
  13. ^^ this man gets it! My concern is not about your change so much for the parts in kspilite. Since I make the part files after all. My concern is what other systems it will affect, and/or what removing the restriction will cause players to do.
  14. Having something to learn is fun, it is the basis of fun actually. Relaunching your rocket because you forgot to switch the mode on the generator would not be high on the list of things I found fun. Trying to gether he3 by timewarping a farm is not something that I would call fun. Having a reactor capable of producing enormous amounts of power be a paperweight because the game or mod had a hiccup and drained all the power from the vessel during timewarp was not fun. The list goes on an on. I removed extraneous bits to focus the core experience at the heart of interstellar, unconventional and theoretical propulsion technologies inspired by potentially feasible technologies. The numbers in vanilla kspi were just as arbitrary as the numbers in stock kspi. Marketing sold players on the realism angle. Yes, a lot of it based on wikipedia articles, and a lot of extraneous information is calculated within the mod. But after you dig through it a while you begin to see mostly magic numbers, not physical constants. There is no need to use the fine structure constant to calculate the output of a fictional reactor. Just like in Star Trek, my transporter will break when it is convenient, the warp drive will go as slow or fast as the mission (episode) requires, and the sensors will be down when it makes for good entertainment. It's a game. All the numbers are made up. It's science fiction, which will be more or less plausible depending on the needs of the experience.
  15. There's only one mode of generators and only one output of reactors. You only need one generator for each reactor.
  16. I first thought that way about generators when I first started playing. I am not so confident now. I'm not ruling it out, but I am not sure that that is something I want to allow. I did remove the requirement for confinement power for fusion, which I always found annoying.
  17. 1.1 was broken in 24.1. It required a fix. Any module that requires 1.1 should be usable with 1.2 with only minor modification to any dependant code. The module is supposed to work with multiple versions, but it does not right now. I am aware of that overlay mod. I wouldn't be surprised to see it integrated in some fashion. But no promises.
  18. There could be an issue with the way the module is searching through panels. I'll look into it. You "could" edit the file, but the changes would be significant. You'd spend more time fixing the save than playing I believe.
  19. This "should" work, but as I say in the OP and video, you will need to make sure to delete the kspi related entries from tweakscale's scaleexponents file, which was the cause of your issue.
  20. Considering how weak plasma engines are right now, I doubt you'd get the behavior you want. You can change the hydrogen source to liquid hydrogen in interstellar.cfg. Keep in mind that you have no tanks in kspilite to store liquidHydrogen.
  21. I would suggest uninstalling clean. The part should be scaling mass appropriately. I double checked earlier and they were behaving on a clean install. If you find a specific mod that conflicts with this behavior be sure to let me know.
  22. I'm glad that players are taking advantage of the added compatibility enhancements.
  23. edit: doh, wrong thread. Your reactor is shut down. It needs to be refueled.
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