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Everything posted by Macko939

  1. Is asparagus design still as strong as it used to be? I haven't played in ages (It'd be like a year now) and I am wondering if it's still the best way to build your rocket.
  2. I am not entirely sure He was connecting stuff to an asteroid http://youtu.be/i-ArwCbkgDk?t=19m found it
  3. Hi guys I watched Scott Manley on youtube and Ive noticed one thing I saw him disconnect stuff off one of his ships and he connected it to a different ship (solar panel I think) I tried to do it myself but when I EVA I dont have that option, I can only open and close it. What am I doing wrong?
  4. I'm interested in "Thrustmaster HOTAS X" because it looks pretty good. I was also considering this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390706244997?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT because its relatively cheap and as far as I know Logitech is a quite decent company what do you guys think about these two?
  5. Do you think it is a good idea to get one? I feel like a joystick would make the gameplay far better than playing with just a mouse and a keyboard. On the other hand, I don't want to spend £50 and be disappointed. So you guys play with a joystick? Is it better than with keyboard? What joystick would you recommend? I got around £50 to spend. Thanks for your answers
  6. Is there an easy way or a tutorial on how to get it work in ksp? I cant get it to work in ksp and also I dont know how to assign the buttons correctly :/ and my controller works fine in other games
  7. Hi guys. I got a file with a lot of funny custom science (the text that appears when you do it). But the problem is that I dont know where to put it to make it work. I tried to put it in resources but it didnt load. The file is called ScienceDefs. Do I have to name the file ina certain way or post it somewhere else? Please help
  8. oh thank god everything woorks okay after a pc restart... I was so afraid Ill lose my saves
  9. wow awesome now my kerbals die instantly when I eva them (says bailed out) and when I try to reenter the athmosphere my ship explodes AWESOME
  10. So, I planned to land on the moon I made a rocket that was pretty much perfect for it (not planned, im really bad at this game) landing worked out on the first go, got all the precious science etc and decided to go back. I was amazed when I realized that im going to land on the ground, not in the water so my science jr. are safe. about 1000m above the ground the game crashed. Seriously ksp? seriously?
  11. thanks im downloading interstellar now how to make the DTM repeatable tho?
  12. As stated above, are there any mods that allow me to carry out more science experiments in career mode? Its not even about numbers, just another reason to revisit places etc.
  13. Nexus 5 Standard site works but its not nearly as convenient as the mobile version.
  14. http://imgur.com/sUxZW3b The forum requires you to use a prefix in the help forums and all other that require a prefix, but there is no option to chose a tag on a mobile version so I can't post there.
  15. As above. I am wondering if its actually worth trying to capture one.
  16. Hi guys. Do you play any other games except ksp? I play rust and battlefield 4. And I am currently looking for an MMO game I could play but pretty much all games I found are just copies of WOW. Any ideas what could I play?
  17. Hi. So I was planning to land on the duna for the first time and I tried to make the lightest and the most efficient lander possible. I am pretty much done, except 1 thing. The smallest antenna (communotron 16) has the bandwidth of 0.8M/s and requires 10EC/Packet. The biggest, fanciest and heaviest antenna has the bandwidth of 0.36M/s and requires 30EC/Packet. It seems like the biggest antenna is actually worse in every single way (weight, speed, energy consumption) compared to the small one. Am I missing something, or the big antenna is just useless?
  18. So far I've figured out that the ISP is what matters the most in the interplanetary space. Soo, lets say I'd launch a big payload to the orbit with a standard rocket and then dock it to a tugboat with them engines with 390 ISP and transfer all the fuel to it, would it be much more efficient compared to a standard launch with big engines? Because docking takes some time and fuel as well, so I am not sure if it is actually worth it
  19. Thanks for your post but it doesn't answer my question though. All in all, I've managed to crash 4 out of 5 of my probes, got about 1k science for it.
  20. Hi. I got a fleet of small satelites orbiting Jool, all of them with them tiny engines with around 20 fuel each. How to get the best delta V to get moon encounters? Long, low-thurst burn or just burn full throttle and hope for the best? I am trying to crash into these moons and do science + transmit the data right before the impact.
  21. I'd never expect a game to change my life so much. I was always interested in space and physics. I studying physics in college, and I was hoping for a career in the nuclear physics industry. Thanks to ksp I started to read a lot about the universe (ie. All the Hawking's books) and I am actually considering doing something to change my education before it's too late. Not to mention that right now my number 1 life goal is to land on the moon. Hopefully it will be available before I get too old
  22. How is a screenshot going to prove that something is NOT moving?
  23. hi I just tried to use the mun to sling me off into orbit around the sun, and it seems like the mun is not moving across the sky above KSC. Its orbital time is the same as kerbin's rotation. What the hell is going on?
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