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Posts posted by Nedal

  1. The remote tech mod makes satellites useful as you have to maintain a line of sight relay network to mission control to be able to transmit science, or control probes.

    The tac lifesupport mod makes probes useful by making manned missions more complicated.

    But unmodded. no.. not really useful. My first playthrough I never used probes because they can't generate crew/eva reports or collect surface samples. Basically only used Probe bodies to keep an interplanetary ship controllable while the lander landed and such. Or for refueling throw away ships. Or as an alternate point of control for rovers lets say.

  2. Wow lots of cool stuff. Haha I remember thinking of making copies of the ship that would feed fuel and break away like gamerpuppy has been doing.

    Haven't been working on this after I installed FAR and failed to reach orbit with ions. Then got addicted to mods and started a whole new interstellar career. I could make a plasma ssto :D

    In fact the ship I'm working on now is planned to be a single stage to eve surface and back. But unsure if microwave power attenuation over that distance and atmosphere will screw it up! I used to be against mods.. but I'm really surprised at how balanced they are. Using the Scott manley interstellar quest set of mods. Adds so much.

  3. yea, meters per second per second

    or how many m/s you accelterate persecond.. Or you can use units of G

    on earth/kerbin 1g =9.8m/s/s if you are in space and you accelerate at 1g or 9.8m/s/s for one minute or 60 seconds then 60x9.8 your deltaV would have been 588m/s

    to find what G you can accerlate at you need to know your thrust to weight ratio TWR, a TWR of 1 means you can accerlate at 1g if you're on earth/kerbin surface that exactly counters gravity (but you'll burn some fuel and so your twr will increase). and so on and so forth.

  4. There was some AmA thread on reddit with guys working on ion propulsion systems for nasa..

    Inside the discussion was a lot of comments regarding ksp..

    ksp? sounds kinda neato

    find demo on steam - download

    Demo isnt very good

    find pirate copy - download

    Damn, for a game that isnt close to finished.. this game is awesome

    Purchase game:

    800 hours later.. Game still isn't beta, still loving every minute.

  5. Very nice zarakon, now I'll have to tweak to see if I can improve. I think with everything we've learned and between all of us. Once everything is said and done we'll have one badass little cruiser.

    Been having a lot of fun with the new ion drives. Made a pretty sweet fully equipped science vessel capable of munar landing and return yesterday hehe. Only thing that kinda sucks is the part counts can get high quickly with all the panels cubes and batteries.

  6. New record for me: 36007 m and 1573 m/s. I gave up multiple engines and I used only one. The trick is leave so early that there is barely enough light to sun panels. Then climbing up - I used about 25 degrees. I still had fuel but panels did not had light. I used 55 minutes to reach that altitude. That is too much.

    Precisely. You don't always need full power on the drive. Take off as early as possible, try pitching up as much as your twr will allow you to climb without stalling, keeping your ground speed down as you climb saves you daylight for your final orbital burn. Also perhaps try putting a pair of panels that face the rear to give you that last push when you're toward the dark side. You're so close!

  7. Looking at some of these makes me wonder how much of a factor Kerbin's sharp curvature contributes to horizontal speed being tranfered to upward speed. Could launch height have a major impact on how easy it is to get there? Also, can we use the thrust given by decouplers?

    Good question, Setting up a huge decoupler launch would be interesting, potentially saving tons of time to orbit.

    but yes, the curvature of the planet is instrumental in achieving orbit with something that has a twr <1

  8. question: given enough ion engines, is it not possible to use a small fission reactor rather than loads of static solar panels or RTGs? There's the weight issue, sure, but is there a point where that makes up for the reduction in drag? Also consider that with a nuke, you don't need batteries, hence the part count is also reduced... and yes, there is a way to pitch without control surfaces: use ASAS gyros.

    Im not sure. Im just finding out that a lot of parts are now massless.. If that includes the thermoelectric generators idk. They would be hella OP if they are.

    If your ASAS gyro comment was geared toward me, I know. That was the whole design philosophy of the ship. But he's trying to say that it's an infiniglider even with the control surfaces disabled. And I can't seem to replicate his results.

  9. # Current and next steps

    As shown above, ion engines have a TWR > 1, only when gravity is less than ~5.5. But, gravity is not that low around Kerbin until one reaches ~250km altitude (clearly after wings are useful, as the flyable-atmosphere ends around 30km).(The variance is due to different possibilities, depending on solar panel type used.)

    My current questions include how much drag can the ion flyer craft overcome, and how high will the wings lift the craft, thus I'm pushing on improving those equations. In addition I may have some unit (or magnitude) issues above which I'm polishing.



    "Adding k to every word..." :)

    Awesome stuff!

    The trick is to get horizontal velocity high enough in the thin but still flyable atmo that you launch out to a high enough orbit on the other side.

    My lil ship starts losing lift around the 30km zone like you say, so you have to kinda keep "bouncing" off the atmo gaining some more horizontal velocity each time to reach the speed required.

  10. Shaved a little time off by using the angles more efficiently, and turning the craft upsidedown to take advantage of more solar panels when coming close to the darkside while making the proofs for the microssto challenge.

    So heres updated img, with updated craft

    Same craft just has landing gear on it. I suppose its true, landing gears really have no effect. Is that new?

    craft: https://www./?s82wpn14c9toshf


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