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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Darn it, my screen broke and I can't see what your wish was. I wish my screen was fixed.
  2. Moles. Tunnelling under borders, lawns, and just about everything else.
  3. It shows me the course, and time to apo and peri, but not the period directly, I'm having to manually calculate the difference between those times. Unless I'm overlooking a stock feature.
  4. I'd extend this to general enable/disable/toggle resource usage. In stock that's mainly the fuel tanks and also the batteries.Perhaps a "Run and Transmit" option for experiments? Will probably be a bit more complicated, especially as the stock game has a delay when you run certain experiments. EVA Kerbal actions, mainly the EVA Report, but possibly those associated with command seats too. PS: Off-topic, but an AGX suggestion too: Search and filter based action groups. For example a group that will retract all solar panels, and you could put it on a station and no matter what ships are docked to it at the time you can hit the action to pull in all the panels.
  5. So I thought this might be an idea, a single thread for anyone to ask "Is there a mod for such-and-such?" Since the chances are good that there is and somebody knows about it, and the forum search often isn't very good. I'll start with my own query, Is there a mod to show the orbital period for your projected course? Not just around the current body but after you've gone through SOI transitions. I would find this useful for setting up repeat gravity assists.
  6. Granted. Everything is black. Text, pictures, backgrounds, mouse cursor, all black. I wish for more magic lamps.
  7. Granted. Well by said I mean wrote on the side of the munition on the secret weapon system they're helping test. It's a direct hit! I wish people understood that orbits are stable.
  8. It still occurs even if KSP's the only window open and I touch nothing while it loads. And as mentioned, it only occurs when using glxosd. I have found that if the game is started in full screen mode, some resolutions appear normal. 1024x768, 1280x720, and 1280x960 all work. 1280x1024, my primary monitor's native resolution, does not. Further, if the game is started in a 'working' full screen mode, and then switched to a full screen resolution that normally appears glitched, or to a windowed mode, the text appears normal.
  9. Granted, by way of China conquering the world. I wish for more genies.
  10. Immigrants. Sneak on board when he's in lorry form.
  11. Your interplanetary trajectories are straight lines.
  12. The panels in question had better be Gigantors.
  13. Granted. Pop music becomes a far bigger deal than religion ever was, and the Biebersade devastates North America. Edit: I should learn to refresh before my post. Granted. But you have no red or blue bars. I wish my internet was cheap, reliable, and quick.
  14. Running KSP 0.25 with glxosd, a tool for monitoring FPS, results in missing characters in text. Example: https://flic.kr/p/p2pNwW I've had it in various parts of the game, first noticing it when I was typing in a vessel name in the VAB. The issue occurs with the 32-bit and 64-bit KSP versions, run either directly or through steam, and is not affected by adding LC_ALL=C. It does not occur in .23.5 on either my "clean" copy or my heavily-modded main install. I don't have .24 handy right now. Any suggestions for fixing this, or for an alternative way to monitor game FPS on Linux?
  15. When I throttle up, hit spacebar, and wonder why the rocket isn't moving. Did I have the TWR that close to 1? When I realise it's an errant launch clamp in the wrong stage. When I release that clamp and the rocket drops because it had TWR less than 1!
  16. Granted. The "Fire Ant" .625 m LFB is added to KSP. But it's actually worse than an ant engine under a few oscar-B tanks. I wish that MLP would be abruptly cancelled.
  17. Orcs. LOTS of Orcs. For every one an elf can slay, two more will take their place, until the woods are overrun.
  18. Granted. I'm not sure what *use* that serves, but the KGB know and they abduct you and send you to the gulag. I wish for a decent lampshade.
  19. Fired up .25 and had a go at making a plane. First one I've built that's really worked well. Cruises nicely at 10 km with 1/3 throttle giving ~350 m/s, and made the icecap on just under half the fuel. Much above that and it does start to get squirrelly. Lands and takes off super slow, maybe 30-50 m/s. Biggest issue is very weak roll stability, so it tends to drift off course.
  20. Oooh, fair point. On looking, it seems all the wings are designed to be attached to the parent part on their sides. Which I suppose if this direction-sensitivity must exist is the sensible way for them to be. To fix one wing piece behind another and have both generating lift will require an intermediate structural piece to provide that side attachement. For example The wing C gives no lift in forward flight, but provides a side for the rear delta and the wing A to attach to, meaning the rear delta does give lift. Tightened up to remove the gaps this will look good and won't add much weight or drag, but it might affect aerodynamics when the plane sideslips. I-beams would avoid that issue but be more visible and add more mass and drag. Stacks of cuboct struts would give no mass or drag penalty but spike the part count.
  21. Model rocket that fits a kerbal plushie at 1.1. Everyone's lives are now highly explosive after they add boosters to the model rocket.
  22. That wings are orientation-sensitive is why there are pairs of parts that seem nearly identical, such as two equal-sized oblong wing pieces - one has the long dimension fore-aft, the other has the short dimension fore-aft, and you need to keep them that way.
  23. It varies by country, but if the laptop's not even lasted a year and it's not been subject to abuse I'd expect a repair or replacement free of charge. Good work on the build. What's with the hard drive setup though, it seems odd to have a RAID array and then a drive not in it.
  24. The little probe that could Flown past the Mun, Eve, Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Duna and Ike, Duna again, and today Dres. And it still has 1100 m/s of delta-V. Next pass, Duna yet again to get back in the plane of the ecliptic, and then we shoot for Jool.
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