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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Considering how a lot of people play this game, hell no.
  2. Agreed, it could maybe do with a tweak. MechJeb can be used just for the info. Engineer Redux is info only but requires the part, and I'd normally use it though I suppose I can reckon my dV manually. But then there's the submod to Engineer that puts it on all pods by default, and probably similar for MJ.
  3. Thanks for the technique btw Kashua. I've been strutting past my multi-couplers on the outside, but that method is more elegant.
  4. Remember that what's important is the orbital period. It doesn't matter if the orbit's a bit elliptical, that just means the station will appear to wobble back and forth a little (librate) from the ground. But if the period's a bit long or short the position will drift over time, worse the more too long or short it is.
  5. The solution to this is to angle your craft so some of the thrust counteracts gravity. Indeed I believe the best way is to just always burn retrograde (measured in surface mode not orbit mode!). If done precisely and neglecting finite turning speed, you'll reach the point where your lateral velocity is killed and you're pointed at the zenith, which is then time to throttle down and descend for landing.
  6. The argument is rather that the Aristotlean thinking leads to a paradox.Suppose I join light object A to heavy object B. According to Aristotle, A wants to fall more slowly than B, so A should hold B back somewhat, right? Tied together, A and B will fall slower than B alone. But since I've joined A and B together, I have one object AB, heavier than B (or A) alone. So A and B when tied together will fall faster than B alone. The most straightforward resolution is that all objects fall at the same rate. The paradox will still exist in modern thinking if we theorise any force (or at least any long-range force) where the magnitude doesn't depend linearly on how much of a certain property the objects have.
  7. Certainly some parts, such as RCS ports, are newly massless in .23.5. (Which makes building RCS-only craft a doddle. Stick a bunch of place-anywhere's on the bottom of a big RCS tank and it goes like a bat out of hell up from Kerbin, re-entry effects on ascent.)
  8. It would cost more than all the money in the Shire to replace.More seriously, for me the interesting aspect of this question isn't the physical side (which I know) but the impact on infrastructure. If a communications satellite fails, does it cause an outage? If so, how is service restored and how quickly? If not, why not? Presumably it varies depending on use and orbit. And how, if at all, is an investigation done to figure out why it failed?
  9. I'm working on mine. Decided to take an approach which I think is in the spirit of the challenge - I first built a Saturn V style Mun rocket. 41 tons to trans-Munar injection, so performs similarly on Kerbal scale to the Saturn V. Can it get me to Moho? Preliminary investigation suggests yes, just. If not I'll simply 'stretch' the launcher a bit.
  10. It's a sandbox game. Theres's plenty to do without leaving Kerbin's SOI. Heck, there's plenty to do on Kerbin. Meanwhile the state of the official documentation is such that if someone has been trying to reach the other planets and failed, they're less bad at video games and more bad at research. And in any case, there is no shame in enjoying something without being very good at it.
  11. Yeah, the planner still works fine. I use it all the time for my interplanetary missions. For Duna and Eve, an out-of-window transfer isn't so bad, but it gets much worse for going further afield.
  12. Build finicky-ness in general. I was trying to put a structural panel next to another one and the tiniest of mouse movements swung the new panel around wildly. The VAB is normally OK, but the SPH, ugh. And antennae retracting after transmission even when they were extended before. I manually extended it for a reason.
  13. To be honest, I'm not sure why balance need be a problem for most of the parts that are suddenly massless in .23.5. On a small ship just add two, or else balance it with another equal-mass part. On big ships the mass is low enough to be irrelevant.
  14. As for "derp" moments, well it's never very critical but I've lost count of the number of times I've throttled up and sat wondering why the delta-V meter isn't going down. Because my engines aren't ignited, of course. And on the flipside, Shift-Tabbing back through objects in map view when my navball is open and my engines are ignited, resulting in an unintended burn. Then there's mods into the mix. Like typing decimal delta-V values into Precise Node, then only noticing some time later that I'm in a fast timewarp since . is still the control for speeding up time. Really KSP suffers quite badly from control overloading, even not counting the mod.
  15. To me it does feel exploity, yes. On the other hand it's usually going to be hard to avoid to some extent. Winged ion craft are pretty much always going to use the OX-STATs, though they'd be a bit unusual for an ion-powered deep-space probe. The small batteries are the natural choice for many craft though if you're spamming them it's iffy, and of course the cuboct struts have no real alternative for little stuctural stuff. Really we just have to wait for Squad to change it, or else use a rebalance mod to sort things out.
  16. Why don't NASA and Roscosmos put artificial gravity on the ISS?
  17. There's no reason to insist it be SSTO. What matters is that it's cheap. Even if you accept that the only way to make it cheap will be to make the vehicle reusable, multistage reusable designs are entirely possible.
  18. The gotcha being that if you use a Mun encounter to attain orbit, sooner or later the Mun will mess your orbit up again. Also, it won't be LKO.
  19. These days it can be almost any site, since even a normally reputable or seemingly innocuous site might serve up a malicious ad.
  20. Yeah, I played for a fair bit before joining the forums. Despite putting a couple of hundred hours in, my forays beyond the Kerbin system have been limited to some Duna flybys and an asteroid rendezvous. Though I have got a couple of probes en route to Eve and hopefully onwards to Moho.
  21. What the heck? Your rocket appears to have broken the launchpad. How on Kerbin do you manage that?
  22. Periapsis kicking the Nobel 1. It's over 700 parts, 70 tons fully fuelled (the small tanks are all empty from the start being just structural, but there's a lot of them), and has one nuclear engine. Four 4-minute burns, each taking more like 16 minutes wall time, leave me with an apoapsis around halfway to Minmus and 250 m/s or so left to do. Note to self: In future reduce part counts and add engines.
  23. As far as the commercial products go, I've found Kaspersky pretty good.
  24. How long is their life support? Your first task is going to be getting them supplies, which will be tricky enough. You may need to force an out-of-window transfer, which thankfully for Eve isn't that difficult unless you really are out of time. You'll also need to land precisely, I might send more than one lander to get extra chances. (Or just use quicksave). Then you're going to have to build yourself an Eve lander. To which my advice is only: Good Luck.
  25. Three Kerbals in just the pod to spend a couple months going to and staying with an asteroid? Fine by me! If they start feeling cramped they can just pop out for some fresh space. And if I was taking the science lab with me, that does for providing extra space. No need for hitchhiker containers.
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