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Everything posted by cantab

  1. "It's not about where you're going, it's about how you get there." In the case of KSP, that hits the nail on the head. KSP is about spaceflight not about space exploration really. No Man's Sky maybe goes towards the exploration more...but perhaps a game like Take On Mars really gets the planetary exploration thing down.
  2. In other words, your processes don't work but you have to keep doing them anyway. Yay corporate bureaucracy!
  3. It couldn't be down to lack of localisation could it? KSP remains an English-only game (ironic considering it's Mexican), and maybe that's an issue for Sony Europe?
  4. Granted. It dies in a week. I wish I had rabbit. (Note that this is a rather different wish to qzgy's.)
  5. A biplane with a torpedo. I'm guessing a survivor or replica of one of the British ones used to attack German battleships in WWII.
  6. Harley Quinn in that rubbish new movie.
  7. Granted. But you know, eating the box was a bad idea, you'll be spending the night over the toilet. I wish the SNES was still the best console around.
  8. Bzzzt. Back to @The Raging Sandwich
  9. Everything was OK in our house, but then some neighbours came round and said there’s a bomb landed in Mr Twigg’s garden opposite, and he’s very annoyed about it. (It's an account from WWII)
  10. Granted. Numbers cease to exist. Reality implodes. I wish implosion and explosion were the same.
  11. Well it used to be about 6 LUP = 1 GBP, but after Brexit, who knows? Why is Britain in free-fall?
  12. Yeah, that's the precedent, "fudge" one or more of the runway numbers. Indeed there are a few such fudges with only three runways to avoid redesignating the old runway. /offtopic I do agree that the runway markings in KSP ought to be brought broadly in line with real ones. It's something that players coming from a flight sim background might well notice.
  13. We were both flying IFR and obeyed ATC instructions, it's ATC's fault. A house hit my car.
  14. Have a look/search through the thread for "lighting 90 degree off" or similar, it's resolved by choosing the exact correct file formats for certain files.
  15. One of them faces from a site I do not talk about.
  16. To my understanding, not really no. FAR does not attempt to simulate actual air flow, that would be way too much work for the computer. Instead it just models it using simpler equations that basically say "If the wing is at angle alpha doing speed v at height a then it will generate lift force F." There's some complication to handle interaction with nearby wings, but it's basically a parametric model not a computational fluid dynamics one. I think. Ferram might correct me. If I'm right, then that would imply that FAR doesn't model wake turbulence behind aircraft, unless Ferram specifically put that in. Whereas CFD would produce that effect inherently. There's little *need* for it in KSP though because not many people do formation flying.
  17. Mine was an elephant tooth, but WHAT IS THAT?
  18. That's going to take you a long time, so I just punch you in the face to stop you. I punch the next person in the face too.
  19. Ask Tom Brady. How do I use a slide rule to add?
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