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Everything posted by supertoaster98

  1. yeah, but he never had the right engines for the upper stages, nor the correct lander plus it was just a small part of a big part pack. I would love to see it as a standalone ship in all of its might and glory, as it was a awesome rocket. the only problem was that they used too much vodka
  2. Ok. I have been using this method for quite some time and has been working fairly well, i´m not saying that yours sucks but what works works i suppose
  3. YOU HAVE WON THW FUCKING GAME That is one of the most awesome things i have ever seen
  4. I stayed up last night and made a tutorial which i think will help out people quite a lot. It covers the basics of spaceflight, how to perform rendezvous and docking (shoving the nose of the spacecraft into a used engine nozzle) as well as how to perform a orbital transfer and how to get back home. Enjoy ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DeMjae4EmMpart 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlWyPAmNXfkpart 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNjSxo4AAGApart 3
  5. I have now sucsessfully landed my kerbalized n1 ;D (k1) here´s a few pics of the complete rocket, third stage and lander in munar orbit and of the rocket on final approach and landing
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