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Everything posted by federally

  1. What bugs and glitches? It works flawlessly for me
  2. Well because it's too easy to bring enough life support. The weight and size to amount of life support is just off. With the three man capsule I can stick one module below it that's about the size of the large SAS module for over 200 days of supplies for the three Kerbals. That's way too easy.
  3. I can't imagine playing without FAR anymore. The vanilla aerodynamics model is just too ridiculous. Along with that the Procedural Fairings is a must have. You can get very creative with mid stage fairings, while rocket fairings as well as the typical nose cone. After those two I like Remote Tech 2. Not only does it makes satellites worth launching but requires you to create a satellite network to run unmanned probes and rovers. Then to make unmanned missions more necessary I would add a life support mod, I'm trying TAC right now but I'm not convinced by it yet.
  4. The main reason to use SRBs is the awesome smoke cloud they leave in their wake.
  5. I installed FAR so my preferred aesthetics are also the most effective.
  6. The FAR mod comes with a bunch of them that use all stock parts. However it also mods the aerodynamics model and you may not want to do that. Other then that I don't know of anything that gives you what you want.
  7. Is there anyway to turn off the delay? It has made flying probes around Duna Impossible for me.
  8. I would much rather see if there is value in a relationship with a private company like Space X. -snip-
  9. This is a wonderful mod and I love you for making it
  10. Probably had something to do with the fact Squad is a marketing agency dabbling in game design. They aren't exactly experienced so there's bound to be mistakes on the way or cost saving decisions that turn into regrets later, which is what I suspect the engine decision will be.
  11. I use RT and love it. Setting up an effective comms network is a fun and interesting challenge. The added realism from downtimes due to being in a shadow adds the need to better plan your missions and make effective use of the flight computer so maneuvers can be performed when no signal is present. Also with the bug fix available RT works perfectly with zero issues for me. As far as what to do, I would install RT and start a new save. A fresh career with RT was very fun for me, you may like it just as much.
  12. I don't have a pic of a near miss but the other day I was setting up my Remote Tech 2 satellite network. Which involved putting a half dozen satellites all in the same orbit. I really hadn't been paying much attention to debris as I was doing this. So as I reached orbit with my fifth satellite and detached it from the launcher I reoriented the camera and began maneuvering the launch vehicle for reentry to Kerbin when I heard a strange noise. Turned the camera back towards the satellite and saw nothing but the two solar panels floating away from each other with no trace left of the rest of it. Apparently I got unlucky and came into contact with some debris.
  13. At least you get the opportunity to try and land. A significant majority of my attempts to fly in ksp ended on the runway during take off.
  14. Well then shame on geek.com for misrepresenting that image in their article http://www.geek.com/games/kerbal-space-program-gets-a-nasa-backed-asteroid-wranging-expansion-1587391/
  15. This is the best image of the asteroids I've seen so far. Pulled from an article on geek.com Looks like we are going to get parts large enough to "fly" the asteroids.
  16. Mine is the same way, however mine is like that due to a settings.cfg file I downloaded that increased the games performance. Did you do the same thing and forget? A solution you could try is to delete your settings file. The game will generate a new one when you start it up with default settings. This might make your problem go away.
  17. It's pretty simple for me, I name the craft based on what it's intended purpose is. Then I add a number for each iteration, and based on me being fairly new to KSP and not a great rocket builder I usually wind up with plenty of numbers after the name. Ex. My first flyby of the Mun was achieved with "Trying Not to Suck IX" and my first landing with "Mun Lander VII".
  18. When I built my remote tech satellite network I sat the satellite I was deploying on top of a manned pod. That way I didn't have to worry about losing signal while I built the infrastructure. Just flew into desired orbit, turned all the bits on the satellite on and let it go. However I got impatient flying each pod back so after releasing the satellites I would do a burn to put the pod on a trajectory back onto Kerbin, hit space bar enough to activate all stages and ready the parachutes then wish the pilot the best and just go back to the space center to launch the next one. While good old Jeb always made it back Bill and Bob are currently listed as MIA.
  19. I'm playing with Remote Tech 2 and today I designed and deployed the satellite network I need to operate unmanned craft anywhere in Kerbin's SOI. Next step is to design the Mun rovers and launchers.
  20. I love this mod! Doing a career and just unlocked enough tech to begin building my network. Will launch my satellites to train their dishes on the Mun and Minmus so I can begin playing with unmanned rovers on them. Edit: Apparently I don't know how to embed imgur galleries. What did I do wrong?
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