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Everything posted by Guz

  1. remote Kerboperations had successfully deployed the necessary vessels : The Eve Xpress @ Gilly The Moho Xpress @ Gilly The Tylo Xpress @ Pol so the time was right to for Jeb and Bob to do the Job... Full Vid here: Kerbin, Laythe, Vall, Bob, Pol-Tylo-Pol, Eeloo, Dres, Ike, Duna, Gilly-Moho-Gilly / Gilly-Eve-Gilly, Kerbin
  2. preparations for my grand tour without the need to dock at anytime are going well. remotecontrol sucessfully landed my "gilly-eve-gilly shuttle" at gilly & the "pol-tylo-pol shuttle" at pol
  3. the Pioneve XIII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyc-fth6kR8 to eve and back without docking craftfile here:http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=26126168982583316117
  4. the Agamemnon XIII Actiongroups 1-toggle LV45 engines 2-toggle Aerospike engines 3-toggle Nuke engines 4-lowest gear 5-middle gear 6-upper gear 7-ladders 8-upmost gear 9-landing lights 0-deploy upper chutes i had some great fun with it so here it is: craftfile: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=64634402859810979513 my latest voyage with it went outstandingly well except for perhaps the gears at the middle stages which made landing quiet engaging https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDXfQMvz-R8 no docking / in a single launched flight from Kerbin: landed on Laythe, Vall, Bob, Pol, Eeloo, Dres, Duna, Ike & the Mun and returned to Kerbin have fun with it ! 1700 parts
  5. brought my Kerbonaut back home today no docking / in a single launched flight from Kerbin: landed on Laythe, Vall, Bob, Pol, Eeloo, Dres, Duna, Ike & the Mun and returned to Kerbin full vid here: http://youtu.be/jDXfQMvz-R8
  6. today i finished my latest voyage. w/o docking / in a single launched flight: landed on Laythe, Vall, Bob, Pol, Dres, Ike & Gilly and returned to Kerbin full vid here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehVP87RhFk4
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1198816&viewfull=1#post1198816 i think i did it, did i ?
  8. did my single launch&return mission to eve w/o docking including a small flight on eve to collect a sample of the liquid oceans. full vid here: <embed src="http://swf.vidup.de/v/zTPka/" height="295" width="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"><div style="margin:0; text-align:center; width:480px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-size:10px;"><a style="color:#000000;" title="Video Hosting: Eve and back w/o docking" href="http://www.vidup.de/v/zTPka/'>http://www.vidup.de/v/zTPka/">Eve and back w/o docking...</a> | <a style="color:#000000;" href="http://www.vidup.de/" title="Kostenlose hochqualitative Videospeicherung.">vidup.de: Kostenlose hochqualitative Videospeicherung.</a></div>
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