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Everything posted by oobayly

  1. That sounds interesting. Out of curiosity, I forked the repo and added scaling based on the local gravity and the engineer's experience level. I'm going to see how it works out.
  2. Sure, I've got one of those. The problem is that connecting several large items in series in zero-g is a nightmare - you need to synchronise multiple kerbals - keeping them within the right distance - then manoeuvre your engineer into a position between the part and the target (keeping the distance to a minimum, and hoping you won't bump into either and make then spin off). I had thought of using KAS to keep the part in reach, but that's not an option because you can't grab parts which have other parts attached. What would make a lot more sense would be to enable engineers to large parts in orbit, but enable it via an item in the tech tree, or limit the allowed mass based on the engineer's experience.
  3. This mod is pure genius but there's one major deficiency - it's not possible to move large parts in space. If I want to move something like a hitchhiker module from one craft to another I have to play 3d football with it rather than being able to grab it and move it so it's close enough to attach it. I've gone through about 30 pages of this thread to see if I'm missing something obvious. Nothing would make me happier to be told that I'm wrong and "this is how you do it"! I can understand not being able to move large/massive objects at the bottom of a gravity well, but in orbit all the Kerbal has to deal with is the large inertia, lower accelerations and higher RCS consumption. For the time being I've increased the grab distance to 100m, which is annoying because it's now way too easy to attach parts, but at least it's realistic at being able to move parts in zero-g
  4. I just install Ferram as I wanted to use the trajectories mod. I found that my parachutes were deploying way too early - effectively ignoring whatever pressure I selected. Doing some "real science" I sent up a test vehicle, set the deployment pressure to 0.5 (which should have been about 3,500m) and deployed the chute in space. I found that it deployed at about 26,000m - or a pressure ratio of 0.005. I hadn't realised that FAR was now using RealChutes, and I found in the release notes that the chutes were deploying at the kPa value, not the pressure ratio: I don't however understand how this hadn't been caught yet - I can't be the only one who deploys his chutes early and relies upon the pressure deployment.
  5. This is definitely a bug - I've encountered it numerous times in v.23 - I have a ship that's perfectly controllable, and then at some stage (normally after setting up a particularly precise manoeuvre node ) I'll find that the ship is completely uncontrollable. WASD [very slowly] moves the controls, and like the the OP they don't centre. Turning on SAS will cause the craft to start tumbling. Switching to another craft or going to the space centre and back again will reset the controls, but of course you've then lost your manouevre node, which is very frustrating.
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